part 11

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I woke up to my head being on Corbyn's chest and he kisses my head
C: goodmorning my love
K: goodmorning bubs
C: did you sleep good last night
K: yes I did baby
We then got up and got dressed and headed downstairs to make some breakfast, after we ate Corbyn and I went back upstairs to my room and cuddled with each other, later then Jenna went in to our room
J: hey do you guys want to go out for lunch with Hayden and I later
We both said yes
J: ok well do you want to drive in the same car as me and Hayden
K: yeah are you fine with that Corbyn
C: yeah that sounds good
J: ok we will let you know when we are getting ready to go
K: ok sounds good
After that she left my room and went back downstairs
C: I kind of feel like taking a shower with you 😏
K: well we better make it quick since we are going out to lunch soon
C: ok baby
We then went into the shower and let's just say we got a bit freaky while we were in there 😉  after that we both got out and then we put on our outfits and got ready after we got done getting ready we then went out the door to go lunch, we were having a nice time while at lunch and after we finished our meal Corbyn and I held hands on our way out of the restuarant and we were soon followed by paparazzi
Hollywood fix (HF)
HF: hey Corbyn so hows it going
C: it's going great I'm just out with my girlfriend and some friends
HF: that's cool so how's the relationship going
K: it is going great actually
HF: that's good to hear
C: yep we just really love each other
HF: well I'll let you guys get back to the car have a nice day
C: thank you, we will
And with that they left, atleast they haven't asked us alot more questions yet but anyways after the Hollywood Fix left we went into the car along with Jenna and Hayden and drove back home. After we got back home I was feeling tired so I decided to let Corbyn know I'm going to take a little nap
Corbyn's POV
We had gotten home from having lunch with our friends and then Kaitlynn came downstairs to tell me something
K: hey babe
C: what's up baby
K: I feel tired so I think I am going to take a little nap
C: well then I am going to go up there with you and sleep with
K: aww your so cute
C: no baby your the cutest
I then picked her up bridal style and carried her up to her room and layed her down on her bed, I then crawled in with her and cuddled her in my arms and kissed her forehead

This is the cuddling position

Later then she fell asleep, gosh I loved seeing my angel sleep she looked so beautiful

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Later then she fell asleep, gosh I loved seeing my angel sleep she looked so beautiful. I brought her closer to me and then fell asleep with her.

A/n: sorry this is a bit short

Word count: 544

Pregnant By Corbyn Besson Where stories live. Discover now