So Kaitlynn lives in LA with her friends Jenna, Hayden, and Corbyn along with the why don't we boys. Now she has had a crush on Corbyn for a long time but then she ends up together and she ends up getting pregnant by him at 19 years old.
I had gotten off the phone with my sister and then went to sleep and the next morning Jenna had went out and told me about her plans J: hey Kate K: hey J: so I wanted to tell you that next month me and Hayden are going on trip to texas to visit his family for about a week K: ok yeah I'm cool with that J: alright I thought I would just let you know K: well thanks for letting me know J: no problem I then texted Corbyn that next month we'll have the house to ourselves for a week since Jenna and Hayden will be out Me: hey corby I have some news Husband ❤💍: ok what's up Me: next month I'll have my house to my self since Hayden and Jenna will be going out on a vacation for a week Husband ❤💍: so we can have alone time in your house Me: yep we can Husband ❤💍: sounds fun Me: yep Corbyn's POV I get an exciting text from my girlfriend that next month we can have the house to ourselves for a week but then I get a call from my manager that they need me and my bandmates to meet up in the studio so I send Kaitlynn a quick text Me : hey baby girl I have a meeting at the studio I need to be at asap I will call you when I am done love you Baby 💕💍: ok love you too I then got to the studio and waited five minutes and then Jack and Zach got there Manager (M) M: ok boys so I decided to book us a tour for 2 weeks starting next week Jack: but what about Corbyn M: what do you mean what about Corbyn is something wrong Zach: him and his girlfriend are expecting a baby so it may be hard for him M: is that true Corbyn Me: yes it is true Kaitlynn and I are expecting our first baby but I mean she is only 8 weeks but I mean I think she will ok if it is only 2 weeks M: well I recommend you try to talk with her about it and Congratulations C: thank you The meeting was then done with about the tour and then I called Kaitlynn to tell her the news End of POV Corbyn told me that he had a last minute meeting at the studio and that he would call me as soon as he was done with the meeting so I waited for about an hour and a half and then I heard my phone ringing and it was Corbyn K: hey babe C: hey baby there is something I need to tell you K: ok what is it C: so when I was at the meeting my manager had said that next week me and the band are going on tour for 2 weeks K: oh? C: but I did notify him that you are pregnant and stuff like that and he told me he understands if there is ever a time I would need to leave the tour early because of our baby K: ok I think I should be ok but we will check in with each other each night C: that sounds good K: and I will let you know if I would need you to come C: alright sounds great K: but is it okay if I stay with you for a few days at your place before you go C: of course you can baby K: ok thank you babe C: anything for you my love K: well I am going to take a quick bath and I will be over there soon love you C: i love you more K: bye And with that i hung up the phone and decided to bring out my backpack and just pack a few pajamas and clothes and i went to Jenna's room to let her know K: hey jenna J: yeah K: I'm going to be at Corbyn's place for a few days because he will be on tour for 2 weeks starting next week so you and Hayden will have the house to yourselves J: ok sounds great K: I'm just going to take a quick bath and then I will be heading out J: okay I then took a bath and washed myself up then got out and I dried up then got some clothes on and drove to Corbyn's house and then I arrived I then knocked on his door and he then welcomed me in we then started kissing and then it turned into a makeout session and then we went into Corbyn's room and he layed me down on the bed and started kissing my neck K: Corbyn wait we can't remember C: oh right sorry about K: it's fine if I wasn't pregnant I would do it with you C: maybe we can wait sometime after the baby is born K: maybe we can C: do you want to take a little picture together K: sure Corbyn and I then took a few romantic pictures together and posted them on Instagram
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@kaitylnn.brooke: with my pretty boy 💙 @corbynbesson 287,900 likes 198,876 comments @corbynbesson: I love you babygirl
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@corbynbesson: love of my life 💕💍 @kaitlynn.brooke 574,294 likes 374,586 comments @kaitlynn.brooke: you're so cute 🥺 And after we cuddled with each other and I slowly fell asleep in Corbyn's arms Word count: 922