part 8

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Today was the date, I woke up and was really excited about the date because I really like Corbyn and so I got up and did my morning routine. I first brushed my teeth, then I did some facial care, after that I hopped into the shower and rinsed my self. As I got out of the shower I decided to wear my outfit for the day, I then went downstairs and made myself some breakfast and ate. After a few hours it was finally time to start getting ready for the date I first curled my hair, then put on some makeup, and then I changed into my outfit and shoes

Your hair

Your outfit

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Your outfit

Your makeup

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Your makeup

Your makeup

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After doing my makeup I then put on some perfume then I was done, after that I waited for Corbyn to arrive for a few minutes

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After doing my makeup I then put on some perfume then I was done, after that I waited for Corbyn to arrive for a few minutes.
Corbyn's POV
I was now done getting ready and got into my car and drove to Kaitlynn's house after 10 minutes I finally arrived and got out of my car and went up to her
End of POV
Corbyn then arrived at my place and got out of his car and went over to me
C: you look so beautiful
K: thanks baby
We then shared a kiss and went into the car and we drove to our date, we went out to a nice dinner at an Italian restaurant and we ordered our food while we were waiting for our food we had some conversations
C: so how are you
K: amazing this is the best date I've been on
C: oh yeah after we have our dinner I want to take you somewhere special
K: oooh ok how exciting
C: I'm so lucky to have you
K: and I am so happy to have you as my boyfriend
After a few more conversations our food had arrived we ate our food and then we got our food paid for and we went into his car and drove to the beach and let me tell you it was so beautiful seeing the sunset and Corbyn and I took a quick picture at the beach

 Corbyn's POV I was now done getting ready and got into my car and drove to Kaitlynn's house after 10 minutes I finally arrived and got out of my car and went up to herEnd of POV Corbyn then arrived at my place and got out of his car and went over...

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After that Corbyn then drove me back to my house and I brought Corbyn into my house and we went into my room and we cuddled in bed and fell asleep in each other's arms, it felt so amazing feeling Corbyn's body cuddling up to my body I then layed my head on his chest and he kissed my forehead and we fell asleep together
The next morning
It was the next morning and I woke up with my head on Corbyn's chest and him sound asleep I then got up and went into my bathroom and brushed my teeth and then after I got done brushing my teeth I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and it was Corbyn hugging me from behind let me tell you I was deeply in love with this guy I then took my phone and took a picture of Corbyn and I then posted it



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@kaitlynn.brooke: he makes me a simp ❤ @corbynbesson
45,897 likes 37,297 comments
jackaverymusic: love birds
its_jennalynn: it's the cuteness for me 😭❤
its.hayden: you guys are the cutest
jonahmarais: soulmates
zachherron: awww
seavydaniel: this is so cute
corbynbesson: love of my life 💍💕

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