Chapter 3

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𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐆𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐬

Waking up at the hospital, Hana adjusted her eyes and looked around.

Haruchiyo was beside his sister, gripping tightly into her hand and when he saw she finally woke up, he gave her a sad smile.

"Hana, i..." he trailed off, sadly looking at the new scars on the younger's face.

When Hana tried to speak, she winced in pain, feeling how painful the area besides both of her lips are.

Turning her head to the window, she saw a reflection of herself, and finally saw those diamond like scars attached besides her lips.

She brings her hands up and touched the scars softly, staring at her reflection from the window. Haruchiyo frowned seeing his sister like that.

Not long after, takeomi, shinichiro, senju, and mikey came inside the room. Baji was already sent back home. The poor boy was traumatized from seeing that scene.

Mikey take a look at Hana and felt guilty. He gulped down his nervousness and walked beside her. "I'm sorry for what i did to you. I didn't mean it..I..." he trailed off, not knowing how to apologize fully to his friend.

Shinichiro patted his head, "I'm sorry for what he did to you, Hana." He apologized as well, scratching his cheek nervously.

He knows that her scar would be permanent, he feels guilty about it as well as the one who gave the little girl that scar was his own younger brother, but whats done is done.

"I paid for all the hospital bills. Again, I'm sorry this ever happened, I'll scold Manjiro again after this." Shinichiro said with a sheepish smile.

Takeomi sighed, "you shouldn't even break his toy plane in the first place, Hana. Breaking other people's toy is not nice. I suppose you're at fault first for breaking his plane and he got angry. Let's put this in the past, shall we?"

Senju just stood behind takeomi, gripping on his shirt while staring at Hana who was giving them a small smile with unreadable eyes and then on to Haruchiyo, who's anger was evident on his face, directing it to everyone in front of him, especially her.

Senju flinched and hides more behind her oldest brother while Haruchiyo was giving her and mikey the nastiest glare he could muster.

"Haru, stop that." Takeomi frowned.

The younger boy clicked his tongue, "so what? It's not like they're both sorry for what they did!"

Mikey flinched, "i am!"

Takeomi looked at him, "What do you mean both?"

"She lied! She's a liar!" Haruchiyo pointed a finger at senju who shook her head quickly and kept a firmer grip on takeomi's shirt. "I'm not! It's not me! Not my fault!"

Takeomi crossed his arms, "Haru, it's not right to blame the others, especially your younger sister."

"Is she not your younger sister too?! You're shrugging this off like it's nothing!" Haruchiyo glared at takeomi.

"ENOUGH!" Takeomi slammed his fists on the wall and the room quieted down. "Dammit, you two are so annoying. Shin already payed for the bills, mikey apologized, and it was her who broke the toy plane first and that is it!" He gave a big sigh.

Hana hummed and just mumbled "it's fine." to Haruchiyo and leaned on the soft pillow on her back, trying to ignore everyone and everything for a while. Her hand gripped the fabric under it and only Haruchiyo noticed.

The boy was fuming, his eyes bore deep into takeomi and he was gripping on the side of the bed hardly. Not wanting to make much more fuss that could bother his sister, he quieted down and stayed beside her, ready to tend to whatever she needs.

Takeomi walked closer to the two before pulling out a notebook and a pen, throwing it on Hana's lap. "Use that first since your scars are gonna hurt for a while."

He then went out of the room with the others. Senju stole one last glance at her sister before her lips quivered before shaking her head and walk out with the others.


Haruchiyo really did stay at Hana's side. The boy didn't even go home, he just stays there, eating together with her, and did every private matters he had to do quickly so he could stay by her side again.

The girl told him to just go home and rest. Haruchiyo didn't agree at first but after tons of convincing, he finally went home.

Hana was bored now, she decided to go out of her room and walked on the hospital hallways.

People were looking at her, especially at her brand new scars, giving her either scared, disgusted, or other nasty looks. The girl only fluttered her long eyelashes and walked by, giving them all a small soft smile, looking like she's not minding the rude stares.

As she walked to one of the gardens in the hospital, she saw a blonde haired boy sitting on one of the bench there, feeding the pigeons in front of him with corns.

Sensing a person nearby watching him, Inui Seishu looked up quickly and met eye to eye with Hana, who has an unreadable look for him. His eyes were next drawn to the two scars on the sides of her lips.

His breath hitched as he felt a bit intimidated but also awed by the girl and her scars. Ironically, he thinks her scars are pretty as they matched well with her.

Standing up, he forgot that his leg was broken and grunted as he fell back down on the bench, making the pigeons surprised and flew away.

Hana's eyes peered over to the boy and his broken leg. "You okay?" Hana asked the boy with a soft voice, as moving her mouth still hurts because of the scars.

"Yes." Inui rasped out and kept his eyes on her two scars, "how did you get those scars,"

Realizing that might be a sensitive topic, Inui quickly apologized and looked at her with an apologetic face.

"It's okay. I'm okay now, that's what matters." Hana said while scoots over near Inui with a closed-eye smile.

"You're my friend now." She suddenly declared and linked her arm with the flabbergasted boy beside her.  And Inui has finally noticed how pretty her eyelashes looks as well, it really does compliment her eyes.

As the pigeons started to come around again, Inui shared his corn with Hana and they both started to feed the pigeons together and their friendship bloomed inside that garden.

And this might be the first start of Inui's liking towards flowers and garden as he spends his time day by day until he can get discharged with Hana by his side, telling each other stories, playing small games, and they did things that made him smile so much as well.

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