Chapter 15

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Hana is taking a walk, it was a beautiful day outside. It was suppose to be 60 degrees out.

It was refreshing.

"Good Afternoon Hana-Chan!" Koko came running from behind, touching her shoulders.

Hana turned and saw Kokonoi with a present box on hand.

"Hello Koko! It's a nice day today, how are you?" Hana said happily.

"I never been better! Hana-Chan are you taking a walk right now?" He asked, walking with you now.

"Yes, but I just got done! I'm heading back home since it's almost time for lunch, Senju is cooking today. Her cooking is absolutely amazing!" Hana complimented her sister.

But Koko didn't like Senju nor Takeomi because Inui told him all about the siblings and what they have done to Hana. But he didn't show it, afraid that he might offend her.

Red stop light. Everyone is waiting for the light to say it's okay to cross. Suddenly it started raining.

Kokonoi quickly used his coat to block off the rain for Hana so she won't get wet.

"I didn't know it'll rain today since the weather forecast said it'll be sunny today all afternoon. I can send you back, ah- be careful!" Koko said as he worried she might trip and fall from the wet rain.

"Thanks Koko!" Hana smiled.

As everyone walks across the streets, Koko and Hana did as well.

"BEEP! BEEEP!!!" A sudden car honked at Koko, his eyes widened, as the car was coming towards him in a fast speed.

As if paralyzed, he couldn't move but to stare at the coming car.

Am I goin to die today? But I didn't give Hana-Chan her present yet... Koko thought, his heart racing really fast. He could hear screaming.

But then, something or someone pushed him to the other end. Making his eyes trail off to the person who pushed him to save him.

HANA?! His eyes widen even more, his breathing stopped. As if in slow motion he could see Hana's mask fall off and smile at him. She opened her mouth to say something, but he couldn't hear her. His ears started ringing.



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