Chapter 4

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𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬

Not knowing that his sister made a new friend already, Haruchiyo stood inside her room, waiting for her every time she isn't there as he thinks she's just getting treatment for her scars.

Haruchiyo gripped the toy plane that mikey fixed and he was supposed to give it to Hana as mikey was too much of a wuss to go visit the girl himself and gave her the toy plane he fixed as an apology as well.

"Haru.." Hana greeted the older as she walked inside her room, with Inui trailing behind her.

Haruchiyo squinted his eyes at the other boy, "who is he?"

"Be nice, he's my new friend." Hana said and she helped Inui go up and sit on her bed as she did that as well afterwards.

Sanzu was giving the boy some nasty look, not liking how close he is with his sister.

His sister was supposed to not be close to nasty boys like him for now. What if he hurts her like mikey did? He can't help but get flashbacks of Mikey hurting his sis.

But then he controlled his emotions and sit down on the chair beside the bed. If he did, I'll crush him. He gave a small smile as he thought to himself. He was supposed and is going to protect and look after his most precious little sister afterall.

Inui was ignoring Haruchiyo, as he thinks that the other person was not as relevant as his female friend, Hana.

He just smiled and listened to what Hana was mumbling about as he let the girl put on hair clips— which was brought in by Haruchiyo a few days back and such on his hair, sighing contentedly whenever the girl brushed his hair softly.

Haruchiyo was seething inside. His little sis was supposed to do that to him! Not the other random kid in the room.

"Hana, you've never told me you have a new friend."

Hana blinked before she smiled at Haruchiyo, "well then Haru, this is Inui."

Inui finally gave Haruchiyo the attention he wants as he silently rolled his eyes— which Haruchiyo saw and he gasped, offended.

Inui gave a lazy smile at the other, "nice to meet you."

Haruchiyo gave the boy a close eyed smile and grabbed his hand tightly, shaking it.

Inui swore he heard his hand crack a bit and gave the stink eye to Haruchiyo.

"Nice to meet you too. I'm Hana's brother."

Inui gasped, "She never told me she had a brother." He deliberately said it with a mocking tone as if he wants Haruchiyo to get out of his sight and let him and his Hana spend time together alone.

This bitch- Haruchiyo's smile twitched.

Sensing tension from the two dudes, Hana gave a small laugh and pulled the two away from each other. "Let's get along well, shall we."

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