Chapter 6

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Only Precious Sibling

When Takeomi came home from his work, he found his house a complete mess.

He found Senju, who was shaking and trembling at the stairs, then found Hana, crying her eyes out and Haru who was trying to calm her down and putting medicine on her knuckles.

"HARUCHIYO!!!" Takeomi yelled, making all of them flinch at the sudden loud voice.

"Huh? What is it Take-nii..?" Haru asked, wondering why the fuck was his brother so angry.

Takeomi went over and slapped him. Making both of the girls eyes widen in Shock.

"Didn't you see Senju over there who was on the verge of crying? I told you! No biases towards our sisters as to set a good example!" Takeomi yelled, angry at Haru for having a sense of 'bias' towards his sisters.

"...a.. hahaha.." Haru suddenly laughed, making Takeomi and Senju flinch.

"What are you laughing at?" Takeomi was taken aback by Haru's sudden laugh but got out of it and asked him.

Haru suddenly stopped laughing and looked at Takeomi with a darkened expression.

"You... how dare you say that to me? Who is the biased one here Huh? As if I was the one who is having favorites. That bitch lied two times. And two times me and Hana have to pay the price because of her lie. Do you know how that feels? Hm? Do you?" Haru asked, eyes dead looking into his.

Takeomi, who wasn't expecting him to answer back widen his eyes. He is biased? To who?

He always thought he treated his siblings all equally with no biases, but suddenly Haruchiyo said he has a bias towards Senju?

This made Takeomi angry, he glared at Haruchiyo who was still looking at him.

"How dare you accuse of me being biased? Senju never lied about anything, and SHE is your sister! It's all on you guys because your the one who did it!"

"Haaah? Then what about Hana? Isn't she also your sister? The youngest at that? What about me? You never worry about me at all, all Senju this and Senju that. Who do you think I am? Senju's nanny?! I'm only a year older then her and whenever she cries or Hana cried you always blame it on me! Senju never explain it to you but Hana did! So who is more biased? Me or you?"

"..." Takeomi never thought of it. He's always scolding Haru, and siding with Senju and Hana. And when Hana got into trouble, he believed that Hana did it herself and it was her fault. He never listened to her explanation.

"What? Cats got your tongue? SAY SOMETHING!" Haru suddenly yelled and kicked him, making Takeomi stumble.

Takeomi, who never would have though Haruchiyo would hit him, suddenly couldn't process things quickly as he should've been.

"H- Haru!" Hana suddenly ran towards Haru who was on the verge of crying, hugging him. Making him feel better.

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