Chapter 5

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"You can be discharged today after one last check up!" The doctor said with a faint smile.

Hana Simply nodded, she didn't want to talk a lot which would hurt her even more.

The pain lessened a bit day after day, and after two weeks, it just stings a bit..

Haru came to pick up his sister. He brought her favorite food, Daifuku Mochi.

"Hm? Oh your here too.." a certain unwanted voice came from behind the door. Haruchiyo rolled his eyes, didn't bother greeting or making eye contact. Just waiting for his sister to come down.

"Inui don't worry about him, he just thinks he is all mighty and cool because Hana-Chan is his little sister." Koko said, looking at different pictures from around the hall.

Haru, unable to continue listening to their nonsense turned around and looked at them. Making the two people smirk.

"Listen. I told you to fuck off and stay away from my sister didn't I? But you always come to her room and bring out hair clips and Dango's for her, do you think I do not know your intentions?" He said, they could feel the cold aura around him but didn't care.

"Hah??? I'm just visiting her as her good friend! And I'm not like some people, ripping off of someone's mouth because of a stupid airplane. Don't compare me to that jerk," Inui replied, giving him a emotionless look.

Koko tched and didn't bother listening to their fight.

"Haru, Inui, Koko!" Hana called, making all of them turned towards her.

She arrived infront of them, smiling happily as if nothing has happened. Haru was thinking if this dangerous feeling last week was just his imagination.

"Thanks for waiting! I hope you didn't wait for me long, and inui, Koko thank you for seeing me off today!" She turned towards the two people who was staring blankly at her.

"No not at all!" "I was being a friend." "It's fine." They all said, making all of them glare at each other.

"Hana, let's go or we'll be late for lunch. Just leave them" Haru said impatiently. He wanted to leave, not wanting to be breathing the same air as them.

"E, Eh? Oh okay, sorry Koko and Inui but we'll be going home now! Thank you for being with me in the past two weeks, I am really happy!" Hana said happily, giving them a hug.

Koko and Inui was flabbergasted, but they returned the hug back.

"Bye bye Inui, Koko! Do visit us sometime!" Hana said as she ran outside with Haru running after her, yelling to slow down.

They waved back, both ears were tinted pink.


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