Chapter 28

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TW: sentence mentions of SA

"Well, whatever because you are all going to die today" giving Hana an eat shit grin, Hana rolled her eyes.

"You brought a lot of people just to ambush some mid-schoolers, you're just as shitty as I images you'd be, Osanai-Kun." Hana can tell that Mikey was ready to punch the ugly guy.

"HUHHH?! CAN'T HEAR YA, YOU'RE TOO SHRIMPY!" Osanai tried mocking Mikey, his members laughed, Hana chuckled.

Everyone stopped laughing and stared at the masked Girl. "What you laughin' at huh? Scar face"

"Oh nothing, I just thought Jokes were suppose to be funny you see, it's not everyday thing to see someone who makes a sad joke like that"

Haru was shaking, trying to contain his laughter while the others bit their lips trying to stay calm.

Pah, he pointed at Osanai while laughing.

Osanai's veins popped up, he needed to take his anger out on someone so he scanned through the people among Toman and picked out the weakest looking one.

"Hey." He turned to Takemichi who was staring at Osanai in disbelief. "The fuck do you think you're statin' at, punk?"

Takemichi Blinked and gave out a confused "huh?"

"Hana, should we help him? It looks like he's about to get hit by the freak" Haru asked, not bothering to whisper.

Hana shook her head, "Pah-kun will be the one fighting Osanai-Kun" Haru looked over and see Pah ready to kill Osanai.


First hit.


Second hit


This is the third hit in 5 seconds, till the last hit, was stopped by Pah.

Takemichi tried stopping Pah from fighting Osanai but Pah Just pushed him off to the side, telling him to stay out of it.

Peh whispered something to Takemichi which Hana can guess, because it's written all over his face that he doesn't think Pah will lose.

"Takemichy, sir back and watch. This is Pah's fight."

"RAAAAAAAH!!" Pah went in for a punch, ended up getting whacked by Osanai.

Hana sweatdropped, that must've hurt, like a lot. Yet, It surprised her a bit that Pah is still not giving up.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2023 ⏰

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