Chapter 8

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Walking home from the shopping district, Baji was carrying all of Hana's shopping bags. He didn't mind it though.

"Let me go!" A voice shouted,

"Be quiet! I swear, you're giving me a headache!" Another voice shouted back.

Hana stopped on her tracks as the two voices were really familiar for her. Peering over to the other side of the road, she saw Haruchiyo who looks like he was beaten up, Takeomi grabbing the back of his collar to stop the younger one from scratching everyone and everything.

Hana took a breath before making her eyes water, "Haru!" She runs to the two of her older brothers, with a worried look plastered on her face.

Baji quickly ran after her, "hey, wait!"

"Hana?" Haruchiyo looked over to his little sis and then quickly struggled from takeomi's hold on him. He doesn't want to be seen as a pathetic kid, or person, in front of his younger sibling.

"Stop it! You're gonna apologize to shinichiro and mikey and that's that!" Takeomi clicked his tongue and shook the younger boy.

Hana finally noticed the two sanos who stood on the side. The older one was scratching his hair sheepishly with a broken motorcycle beside him while the younger one was tending to the big bruise on his face.

Apparently Haruchiyo got too angry after mikey showed up in front of his face, irritating him more with his presence after he just got scolded a lot by Takeomi.

"Mikey?! What happened to you?" Baji gaped at mikey's bruised cheek.

Mikey blinked, "i got punched by him." He pointed to Haruchiyo. "There's also this other blonde kid that showed up this morning, he punched me too. But his older sister held him back."

"Damn. Is everyone hating on you right now or something?" Baji nonchalantly asked.

Mikey deadpanned and grumbled to himself before he flinched when he looked at Hana who was looking straight at him, a mask was covering her face now.

Hana gave him a smile, "hello."

"Hi...."mikey greeted back before he moonwalked backwards, shinichiro quickly grabbed the younger sano before giving him a look. Be more nicer or else.

"How are you doing, Hana-Chan?" Shinichiro greeted cheerfully. "Do you want candy? I have tons of it inside my shop. Wanna come with me? Come on, i know you want to!"

"Shin, stop that. You sound like a predator." Takeomi grunted.

"I'm not!"

Hana laughed a bit before giving shinichiro a thumbs up, "sure. Bring me candy, shinichiro."

"Hana, you're supposed to say please." Takeomi added.

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