Chapter 21

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Hana have heard about some kid one year younger than them is gonna transfer into her class because apparently, he's smart.

And well, there he is, sitting next to Hana's seat.

Kisaki Tetta was his name. Everyone in the class was just bothered by his creepy face and how he's smarter than them.

But mostly his face.

Hana was no different, she wasn't bothered, but she's just curious. There's just something malicious radiating off of him, and she noticed that he took glances at her and formed a creepy ass smile when he thinks she doesn't see.

The urge to make him her underling was just showing day by day as Kisaki kept looking at her, and she knew the look on his eyes to well, because she has done it before.

Hana licked her lips under her mask, this dude wants to control and use me? I don't think so. She's also aware that Kisaki was taking notes of toman and already find out that she's the 1st commander, so she has the most top authority, even over mikey.

Honestly she doesn't see anything much about kisaki and his main strength is only his brain. Which could be of use. Another one of her smirk surfaced under her mask.

"Omg I'm so smart, I'm a genius." Kisaki muttered under his breath as he was done scribbling his evil plans in his notebook, a creepy ass grin plastered on his face.

The others gave him a weird look before they back the fuck away from him, not wanting to get close.

"Why can you say that? What are you smart at?" Hana suddenly asked with a smile, startling Kisaki.

He nervously grinned and pushed up his glasses. Act normal, she isn't that simple. "In maths i mean,"

Hana tilted her head, "maths?"

Hana blinked, "so you're good at maths?"

Kisaki nods, "yeah, look." He flexed his maths paper score that got 100. The other kids in the room gasped, we have a hard time to get 70s as score and this bitch just popped up and have the audacity to be a smartass!

"I'm a math king," Kisaki said and showed the other previous math quiz scores, which also got 100.

"SHUT UP KISAKI, NOBODY LIKES YOU!" A random boy hollered, tired of Kisaki being so so smart.

Kisaki hissed at him and scowled while Hana was laughing and slapping her thigh.

"Stop laughing!" Kisaki scowled at her as well.

Hana snorted, "stop scowling, you look scary." She then went up close to him and patted his shoulder, "don't try anything funny to me, kisaki." She whispered in his ear darkly.

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