Chapter 27

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Moby Dick

"What is it, Takemicchi?" Mikey asked, looking at the already nervous Takemichi.

"Is there anything you need? You look like you ran a marathon" Hana commented, Haru nodded besides her.

"We're in the middle of an important discussion." Draken said, Pah just said "you again" while Peh cussed him off.

"Can you stop the conflict with Moebius?" He swallowed his fear and asked firmly, look into Hana's eyes.

"Huh?" Mikey asked, "this conflict, I can't say why but someones pulling the strings behind all this." Takemichi said, he's now sweating all over the place.

"Stop the fight with Moebius? you're asking for the impossible dumbass." Haru said, while glaring at Takemichi who was about to piss his pants.

Suddenly he got grabbed in the head by Pah, Went skiing across the floor. Takemichi grabbed his head from the pain.

Peh then again, threatened him.

"Leave. Say one more word and you're dead." Pah gave a death glare, "So... how should we attack Meobius?" He continued where he left off.

"You can't!" Takemichi, one again interrupted their meeting. Making Pah's eyelids Twitch.

"Stand up." Pah said. Takemichi did as he said and got punched, Sharon and again. "Pah. Stop it, that's enough already." Hana said, Pah didn't Listen and continued to punch him.


"Are you deaf? Didn't you hear what your Superior said? She said 'Pah, Stop it that's enough.' Do you want to go against all of Toman?" Haru said, with dead calm voice.

"... Haru, you stop as well." Hana said, Haru apologized and went back to his original place again.

"Let's hear what Takemicchi have to say first" Draken said, Pah reluctantly stood back although with Peh.

"Drake-" Takemichi was about to start but Hana came and interrupted him.

"Michi, can we privately talk for a moment?" Takemichi's eyes widen, he started sweating. Hoping bad things won't happen out of this conversation.

Takemichi gulped and nodded, before he can walk towards Hana who was guiding him a place where nobody can hear them, Haru whispered, "as soon as I see Hana getting uncomfortable with you, I'll kill you."

Holy fuck this is too much! Takemichi's legs were shaking while walking past Haru.

20 feet away from the rest of the group, Takemichi and Hana was staring at each other till Hana smiled softly.

"Sorry about my brother Takemichi." She Sighed, Takemichi quickly replied,

"no no, don't worry about it!" Takemichi feels awkward.

"Takemichi, is there a reason why you don't want us to fight Moebius?" Hana asked.

That's right, she's also the boss of Toman so maybe they'll all listen to Hana!

"I had a dream, that Draken-kun got stabbed and died.." he trailed off.

Infact, Hana had a suspicion that Takemichi can see the future like her, or he IS from the future.

It seems like he doesn't trust me that much to tell me his secret. That's alright though, it seems my suspicion is half correct. Dear Future me, don't screw up my plans!

Hana pretended to be in deep thought, Takemichi was still very nervous because why wouldn't he be? One wrong step, he will regret it.

"Sorry to interrupt your little group implosion, but you keep saying Moebius. Would you might not repeating our name like that?" Hana irked, it's that fucker again.

"Then Should we say Moby-dick instead?" Hana said innocently, walking towards her gang while Takemichi was questioning if he's seeing things correctly.

Osanai gritted his teeth, "say that again you fucking middle school whore?"

"Haruchiyo, back down." Mikey commanded, Haru was about to pull out his katana. His sister, a whore? How dare you.

".... You bastard" Pah glared at him, "that's Mr Bastard to you" Osanai said arrogantly while pointing the crusty hair comb at Pah.

It seems to be the last straw for Pah,he ran towards Osanai ready to kill him.


"PAH-CHIN!!!" Peh screamed worriedly as he see's Pah getting punched in the nose.

Ridiculous. Hana Thought, she couldn't be bothered to listen to Osanai's bullshit.

"I heard you're going to pick a fight with Moebius," he snapped his hands, and the Moebius gang came inside the warehouse.

"So we're going to strike first~"

"So Ugly on the inside as well." Hana said nonchalantly, not bothering to even whisper.

Osanai irked, "what the fuck did you say bitch?"

Hana smirked, "I never knew our dear seniors were deaf, let me say it again. You're ugly on the outside, and ugly on the inside."

thanks for waiting ~

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