Chapter 22

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Hana was ready to fulfill the hangout she promised with takemichi.

"Takemichi you're so nasty, cheating on a nice girl like Tachibana with me." Hana casually said and pointed a finger at him.

"I'M NOT CHEATING, YOU ARE!" He panickly retored. Noticing what he just said, he bowed down, "I'M SORRY!"

Hana laughed, "it's okay, i was just joking as well earlier."

Takemichi gave her a nervous smile. There's a lot i want to ask you. He was glad Hana asked him to hangout this time, cause he sure got tons of questions he need answers with and maybe Hana could help him.

Takemichi nods to himself, she's a nice girl afterall. She would help her friends, her toman friends. I saw how good she is to them and can tell she means a lot to them as well.

How stoopid.

Hana looked at Takemichi who's walking beside her. "You look so deep in thought. What's in your mind?"

The boy scratched his cheek, "uh...there's something that i wanted to ask you."



"I don't wanna date you, takemichi. You're not my type, and you have tachi-"

"ITS NOT LIKE THAT, HANA-SAN! I'M NOT GONNA DATE YOU! I DON'T EVEN DARE TO DO IT!" Takemichi squeaked out. If i asked her out to be my girlfiend i would be dead! So so dead! With her scary brother and all her guy friends around her- especially mikey?! Takemichi shivered. Fuck no, man.

Hana laughed, amused at takemichi's reactions. "Good. So what's your question?" She asked while they walked into a clothing store and she started to look at the pretty clothes one at a time.

Haruchiyo gave her some money to spoil herself not to long ago and she will do as he says.

Before takemichi could ask anything, a clacking sound was heard and someone looking similar to Hana stood in front of them, their eyes widening.


Hiding the flash of distaste towards the other girl, Hana flashed her a smile, although Senju couldn't see it, she could feel it.

It was very rare for her to see Hana. She saw Haruchiyo several times already but he never complied to let her see Hana.

"Hanaaa!" Senju sobbed as she jumped at her for a hug, which Hana just sheepishly respond while patting her back.

"I missed youuu!" Senju sobbed.

"...uh...." takemichi stood there, confused as hell.

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