Chapter 9

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I'll be your  Queen, you guys will be my servants. Okay?

"Hana? Shin is here to talk to you!" Takeomi shouted towards Hana's bedroom.

"Coming!" Hana put down the 'learning for six graders: LA edition' and ran downstairs, making takeomi scold her. Which she sheepishly apologized.

She went towards where Shin was and found him sitting near the tv.

"Hi Shinichiro! Do you need me for anything?" Hana asked curiously.

"Hey Hana-Chan! I was wondering if you'd like to visit me to a brother of mine at the orphanage!" Shinichiro said, hoping she would agree to come since he felt really guilty of what Mikey did to her and hoping maybe if he introduces her to his other brother then maybe she will be a lot happier?

"Eh? But Mikey isn't a orphan?" Hana asked, confused.

"Oh I meant my other brother that I recently found" Shinichiro said.

"HANA-CHAN ISN'T GOING WITHOUT SOMEONE SUPERVISING HER!" Baji came running in from the door, without knocking making both of them jump.

"Brat what do you mean? Hana-Chan will be coming with me, I'll be there to tend whatever she needs. Do you even know where we're going?" Shinichiro sighed with a deadpanned look.

Baji sweatdropped, "I just know your taking her somewhere! And she will need a young person like me to take care of her, not some old person like you! She doesn't like you, go away!" Baji tried to shoo Shinichiro away, he was going to surprise Hana by surprising her but overheard Shinichiro said he'll take her somewhere.

Shinichiro smacked Baji's head, scolding him that he is rude by calling him Old man.

"Oww." Baji rubbed his head, where it got slapped at.

"Baji it's fine, Shinichiro will take care of me. Is it okay if you look after my brother Haru instead? He isn't sleeping well recently.." Hana asked, turning her eyes in a puppy eye.

"Uhhh. OKAY! Whatever Hana-Chan wants!" Baji said, not believing that he listened to her request with no questions and no rejection in mind.

"Thanks Kei!!" Hana said happily, giving him a hug. Making Baji flabbergasted.

"Umm yeah.." was all he could muster.

Shinichiro then took Hana to his motorcycle and drove off to the orphanage.


"We're here Hana-Chan, let me take you to my other brother Izana!" Shinichiro said as he held out his hand for Hana to take in case she might get lost.

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