Chapter 17

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After Hana recovered, she goes around hanging out with her boys again. She thinks it was glimpses of the future that she saw when she was at the hospital, which she was still confused about what is it actually about and how she even got them, but she wouldn't let it bother her for now.

She even met new friends along the way, such as draken, mitsuya, kazutora, and pah.

"Mikey, you want everyone to meet up at the shrine?" Baji asked as he rides his motorcycle with mikey on the back seat.

"Yuh." Mikey gave baji a thumbs up where the other boy could see from the mirror. "How's your middle school?"

"Hella boring!" Baji groaned. "I wish Hana-Chan could've gone to my school, everything is more interesting with her around!"

Mikey humphed, "naahh, she should've gone to mine!"

"Which school did she go to again?"

"I think it was mizo or something,"

Baji hummed.

"Sweet bike by the way."

"Yeah, i found it trashed but i took the time to fix it!" Baji grinned, "my goki's the best in tokyo!"

"Huh? The best in tokyo?" Draken suddenly showed up beside them, with Hana on the back seat.

The girl grinned and waved her hand at mikey and baji. "Hii!"

"Hana?! Why are you with draken?!" Mikey pouted.

Hana shrugged and hugged draken from the back more tightly, a smile etched on her face. "i met draken and he asked me if i wanted a lift!"

Mikey and baji gave draken the stink eye while draken felt shy and coughed awkwardly. "Anyways, my zephyr's the best bike in japan!" He declared.

"Whoa, whoa! Hold it! My little impulse is the best in the world!" Mitsuya showed up and grinned before he looked at Hana. "Oh hey, Hana! I made you a new shirt." He showed her a small gift bag.

Hana blinked before she gave a small laugh, "you don't have to make me new pieces of clothes all the time, mitsuya! But thank're so nice!" A blush was plastered on her cheeks.

Mitsuya blushed as well before he gave her a closed eye smile. "But i want to! It's okay. I have tons of fun making pretty clothes for you to wear."

Kazutora showed up while rolling his eyes at mitsuya's cheesy line. "Shut up mitsuya." And the other boy scowled at him.

"Anyways, Hana-Chan~ don't listen to him, my rocket's the best in the goddamn universe!" Kazutora said and slapped his bike.

While everyone was bickering, Pah suddenly showed up, "my cbx 400's the best." He shrugged, "Don't know if it's the best in the world or the universe though. Enough talkin about stupid crap, let's go to the shrine." He zoomed fastly away from them.

Hana giggled, "LAST PLACE PAYS THE PRICE!" She slapped the back of draken's head. "GO DRAKEN, GO!"

"HANA, I AIN'T A HORSE, STOP THAT!" Draken hollered as he speeds.

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