Chapter 11

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𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬

Hana met Imaushi Wakasa weeks ago. She followed Wakasa around like a baby duck, making the boy sweatdrop whenever he saw her walking not far behind him or beside him whenever they coincidentally met.

He got used to her presence and took a liking to it afterwards. And when she opened up about how his friend was treating her at home and how she got those scars, Wakasa felt a disliking towards his friend.

This little girl he met was the sweetest person ever to him. If Hana was his little sis by blood, he wouldn't treat her like how Takeomi did.

When Hana found out how well Wakasa fought, especially with how agile he is, she had an admiration for it and wanted Wakasa to train her.

And so he did. He was so proud on whenever Hana made improvements. He would take her to grab some food, drink, or even ice creams whenever they're done with training.

The amount of time where Wakasa was smiling and laughing because of spending time with Hana made him treasure her more and more.

Despite him being friends and is in the same gang as Takeomi, he disliked the dude since Hana told him what happened. But he knew he couldn't just throw hands at that dude because one or two reasons, and just opted to give him the stink eye whenever they meet.

Wakasa was like, uGh it's this bitch again- and takeomi was disturbed as hell.

Back to Hana, not only did she train with Wakasa, she was also now enrolled into the sano's dojo.Baji and Mikey spends more time with her in training.

Other than that, Wakasa, Mikey, and Baji found out that even though Hana is a strong fighter, she had a weak body.

Mikey once straight up kicked her in the gut and Hana couldn't dodge so she ended up passing out. Embarrassing.

Wakasa fixed that problem though. He put her on stamina, speed, and reflex training as well, so now she could dodged and counter attacks more easily.


Inui Akane has been restless. She can't help but think about Hana. Her guts was telling her to stay away from her and she got a really bad feeling about Hana as well.

"Sis, you need to rest, seriously." Seishu sighed as he looked at his tired looking big sister.

Akane gave her little brother a smile, "right...sorry, Seishu. I'm just..kinda thinking a lot right now."

Seishu raised one of his eyebrow, "about what?"

Akane sighed, "do you know someone called Akashi Hana?"

Seishu's eyes sparkled at the name and he let out a wide grin. "Yeah, i know her! She's so nice and pretty! Big sis, did you meet her somewhere? I haven't hang out with her in a long time."

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