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I will be answering some main questions in this chapter today!

Did you drop the book?
- no, originally it was two person project made by yasenomi and
KamiyaDidi but because Nomii decided to stop writing at the moment, I didn't want this to be dropped so I just went on a hiatus until I feel like I'll do a decent job writing this book!

It doesn't make sense, why is Hana killing everyone?
- she isn't exactly killing everyone, it's just everyone and anyone that got into her way. Her past is PART of the reason why she is like the current her now!

Happy ending or sad ending?
- I'm thinking about neither, an open ending. But we'll see since I tend to change my mind A LOT.

Are you going on a hiatus again in the future?
- well I sure hope not? I mean everything happened so fast which was why I was overwhelmed and decided to stop updating, I'll try my best and not go on a hiatus again~

Spoiler please?
- no 😍

Is she going to end up with someone or stay being neutral and have a 'reverse' harem?
- She will be ending up with me 🥱 /hj

Does she love her Family?
- she does, but her 'love' is like, "you touch my people, I'll kill you"

Can she see the future?
- yes but no, she can see some of her or her close family's future self's point of view, unlike Takemichi who goes in the past and back

Also, note!

If you dislike Hana's personality then feel free to leave, leaving a review about you hating her personality isn't really going to change me and Nomi's original ideas that we spent 3 days brainstorming before starting to write.. 

If you have anymore questions you wish for me to answer feel free to ask!

I also welcome ideas for future plot or a oneshot special! So feel free to message me~

Happy reading ^^

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