Chapter 14

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My name is Haitani Ran

"Hana-Chan! Hello!" Koko waved his hand towards the girl who had her mask on.

Hana looked behind her, seeing Koko waving she also waved back happily. Wakasa, who was right next to her clicked his tongue in annoyance.

He held her hand and made her come closer, who knows if someone might hurt her? Even though she is currently improving on her training she is still far too weak to defend herself. This is what Wakasa believes.

"Hi Koko!!" Hana said enthusiastically, making Koko a lot more happier to know that she is happy to see him.

"How are you? Are you alright these days? Is your injuries all healed?" He asked, looking around if there's injury.

"No no, I'm all healed thanks to Haru and Wakasa taking good care of me! Thanks for your concern Koko. It makes me really happy!" Hana said, giving him a 5 second hug.

"UM!" Koko couldn't find anything else to say. He is now really shy.

"Hana-Chan, let me take you to Roppongi today for a small trip. If that's okay with you." Wakasa asked, looking at Hana with a soft smile.

Hana smiled and nodded back. But meanwhile Kokonoi didn't want her to be exposed to danger and disagreed.

"Brat, I am known as the white leopard formerly, and now I'm the founder of the black dragons, the special attack unit's captain. She will be safe with me so stop being a nuisance and get lost already." Wakasa gave a lazy deadpanned look at Koko, who was glaring at him.

Hana, who was in the middle of the two guys blabbering, deadpanned.


Hana and Wakasa finally arrived at Roppongi, it took them 30 minutes just to get away from Koko who was absolutely against the idea of them going there.

Wakasa then picked her up, hugged her tight so she won't get kidnapped. Although it is for her own sake, Hana finds it quite annoying to get picked up so suddenly. But she is fine with at as long as he likes her.

Hana looked around, it's big like Shibuya, where she lived.

"Hana-Chan, tell me if there's anything you want to eat. I'll buy it for you so don't worry about money, and I'm rich" Wakasa gave her a big grin, making Hana giggle.

Around them, the ladies who saw Wakasa's appearance started to fangirl. I mean, who wouldn't?

"Okay Imu!"

They took a walk around Roppongi, Hana found Ise Sueyoshi so they took a seat to dine in. Their food was amazing, and the service was perfect. Hana enjoyed it a lot.

"Hana-Chan, I will be going to the bathroom for a bit. Wait here and don't wander off okay? I placed a tracker so in case your lost I can find you, don't eat any of the strangers candy or get in the van." Wakasa said sternly, making Hana pinky promise she won't wander off and get kidnapped.

After all the Nagging and Serious atmosphere, Wakasa went to take a dump.

Hana sat there, on the bench with tons of people passing through. She didn't glance at them, it was because she is busy planning on what to do with Kokonoi.

Since Kokonoi can not fight, he isn't that suitable for combat, he isn't big so he can't be a meat shield, but he has a talent for Economics. He should learn that. But, how? It's clear that he just wants to do a stable job and a carefree life. But I need him to be able to make money, at least for me, as it's the best for my future. Hana brainstormed some plans she could do, or should be able to do currently.

Plan A was actually to just scare Akane and then kill her, but she couldn't use Akane anymore, and Izana killed her already anyways.

What a waste. Hana thought had enough feelings for Akane that when she's burnt by the fire he could've used any means to get money, even to studying things that are higher than what he could take first.

But it's okay. Since I'm 100% sure he now has a crush on me. I could make a use of that to my advantage. Hana nodded slowly, not knowing there was two kids staring curiously at her.

"Helloooo?" A boy echoed in her ear, making her flinch. She looked over and saw two kids that are staring curiously at her. A short one and a taller one.

"Do you need anything?" Hana asked. The short kid didn't say anything, but the tall kid did.

"My name is Haitani Ran and this is my younger brother Haitani Rindou. What is your name kid?" Ran said with a lazy smile. Making Hana roll her eyes inside. You're legit a kid too.

"My name is Akashi Hana, do you need anything?" Hana repeated her words earlier again.

"You seem to be in deep thought, are you waiting for someone?" Ran asked, tilting his head.

"Yes I'm waiting for a friend of mine since he is at the restroom somewhere right now."

"Then we will wait with you." Ran and Rindou both decided to sit down next to her, making Hana raise an eyebrow.

"I don't see what's that got to do with you though..?" She asked, unsure if she could say those kids have some kind of motives or genuine.

Ran chuckled, while Rindou sighed. "It's dangerous here, especially at night. What if you get kidnapped, it's almost dark you know? So we'll protect you from those bad people, don't underestimate us just because we're kids too." Rindou said with a bored expression.

Hana shooked her head. "I don't need protection, I can protect myself just fine. But thank you for your consideration."

"Huh? What does that mean?" Ran asked, looking at his younger brother who just sighed at him.

"It's a professional way to say thank you, brother."

"Ohhhhh okay." Ran nodded, making both of them deadpan.

Oogway, who was sleeping in her pockets he poked his head out to see what's going on.

"Oh you have a turtle in your pocket, it's so small. Is that your pet? What's the name??" Ran asking tons of questions, making Rindou smack his head in embarrassment.

"He's Oogway, respect him. He's not a pet but a partner of mine. I just got him not to long ago." Oogway nodded at everything she said, yeah respect me bitches. I'm a fucking Ninja turtle and will chop your head off if you dare make me or Hana upset.

Ran and Rindou felt a sudden chill when Oogway the turtle squinted his eyes at them.

As the two brothers talked with each other, Hana was giving them a happy look as she looked like she's listening to whatever they're saying. Haitani Ran and Rindou, huh. Hana smirked under her mask.

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