Chapter 13

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Akane was petrified when nobody believed her. What's more unsettling, there's this one boy with lilac eyes who she found out was following her around, eyeing her with his eyes which had malicious intents.

Even Seishu and Koko was already so done with her. Last time they saw Akane cornering Hana down the street and tried to claw on the smaller girl while screaming at her.

They both couldn't believe the gentle Akane was actually like that. What an eye opener.

Akane felt like everyday was a bad day. The stares, the mean comments, how Seishu and Koko ignored or make mean remarks towards her every time she brought a topic about Hana up, and her malicious looking little stalker.

Izana had been watching her every move. He still haven't decide what method would he use to get back at Akane and avenge his Hana.

Back to where Hana is, she was laying her bed with Oogway the turtle chilling beside her head, Haruchiyo was seething because of her recent wounds.

Who would do that to his precious sister? They were so gonna pay for it.

Haruchiyo wanted to just shout and go crazy but he doesn't want to stress or upset Hana more so he stayed silent.

The only thing he could do was finding the culprit by his own.

"Haru...i want to eat....burgers.." Hana mumbled in her sleep before she turned to the other side.

Haruchiyo blinked before he chuckled. Find the culprit and buy burgers for today, yes.


Izana stood in front of Inui's house, staring at it while carrying a can of oil and a match in his hands.

"Hana this, hana that! All you do is defend that snake!" Akane shouted at Seishu who stared at his sister in disgust.

"Am i that wrong to defend someone as innocent at her?! You kept on hurting her!"


Izana blinked at the siblings bickering. Okay, I'll spare the boy. He thought as he pour oil outside all over the house. If he survives. Izana smirked.

There was no way he was ultimately gonna share his queen other than with Kakucho whom he had tolerated.

Hana had held a special place in his heart, and he just couldn't bear seeing her get hurt. So if she's hurt, another person will have to pay for their deeds.

Humming a tune, Izana opened the match box, grabbed one, and light it on fire.

Happy surviving. Izana grinned as he throws the match to the ground. As the fire started to spread to the Inui's house.

Not long after, Koko arrived and his eyes widens seeing the house on fire. He gritted his teeth as he decided to run inside.

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