Chapter 12

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𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐤....𝐎𝐫 𝐍𝐨𝐭

Akane walked back home only to see Seishu frowning at her. The older girl didn't mind anything of it and grabbed her little brother, "seishu, listen to me!! Don't get close to hana! She's-"

Seishu got out of his big sister's grip and pushed her away. "I saw Hana-Chan crying earlier, and there was a big bruise on her face! Her scar also had nail marks and she said some girl did that to her! Was that you?!"

"W-what?! I would never!"

Little did they know, little Hana did that to herself when she saw Inui Seishu conveniently walking down the street.

Looking down gloomily, Hana put her hand on her cheeks as if to cover it and run past Inui, acting like she doesn't see him.

"Huh? Hana!" Inui grinned and waved his hand at her but stopped when he saw the bruise on her cheek and scars.

Quickly running over to her, Inui had a worried look plastered on his face as he rubbed the wounds softly, "what happened?! Who did this to you?!"

Hana's lips quivered as her eyes got teary, "i- i don't know..."

Crying she wanted to wipe her tears, but Inui beat her up to it. He wiped her tears with his hands and gave her a big hug. "There was this big sis that doesn't like the way i looked...she ripped my mask and saw my scars, and- and..."

Inui's heart felt a painful pang. He pats the girl's back while hugging her. What if it's big sis? He wants to shake that thought off considering his big sis was always gentle and a good person, what if big sis only acts? He scowled. Big sis have showed dislike towards Hana as well.

"I..i wanna go home!" Hana cried.

"Do you want me to take you home? Scratch that, I'm gonna take you there, okay?"

" don't have too..i wanna be alone right now." Hana sniffled and got out of Seishu's hug before running away while wiping her tears.

Seishu looked at her back and then fisted his hands as he looked over to where his house is. I swear if it's big sis...he clicked his tongue.

"Why would you think it was me?!" Akane shouted.

"Because you're the only person here who doesn't like her! Why did you rip her mask off?! That's a mean move!"

"I did not-!"

"Even people back at the hospital likes her! The nurses and doctors as well! She's nice and always smiled despite there's some rude remarks towards her. Why would you do that to her?!"

"I said i didn't! She punched a grown man into a bloodied pulp, Seishu! I don't want that to happen to you!"

Seishu rolled his eyes, "please, she can't do that. Do you have eyes? She can't even hurt a fly with her small body and knowing how nice she is, she wouldn't do that. Stop spouting nonsense, big sis."

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