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六十 XiXi; The death of a bright


All she could feel was the coldness that threatens to rob XiXi's last warmth of life and until the moment she realizes the truth it was too late.

XiXi is dead.

The person that was always behind her made sure that she would be safe and sound from harm. The person that has softened her heart and was treated as her friend and sister. The person that she first saw when she came into this book.

This person is now dead.

"XiXi... wake up, I beg you... please, wake up" her head reaches XiXi's already cold palm and she collapses.

A mournful wail came out of her as she tries her best to warm XiXi's body but it was futile. Tears stretches from her eyes to the already cooling body, trembling hands held XiXi's peaceful face, it was as if she was sleeping but it was forever. Knowing the truth hurts but seeing it happen in front of your eyes dugs her heart out.

"Why did you have to die?! Why did she have to die! Why did you put me here! Why?! WHY?!"


A whisp of air answers her question, dazed eyes fell onto the body of XiXi as she sat there contemplating life for hours.

It was her fault.

XiXi was dead because of her. She's a coward. Incompetent. Arrogant.

It was her fault, she wasn't strong enough, wasn't cruel enough.

XiXi is dead because of her.

For the remaining time, all Meng Jia Yi did was recount the events that transpired. The sword that mercilessly cut off XiXi's body, the smile and acceptance that XiXi showed to her death and her incompetence around the matter.

It could have been avoided if she did this or if she had been more of this then XiXi would still live.

Everything was deadly silent around her and it was only until a sound of a branch breaking loudly enters her silenced ears. With agile movements, she peers into the man-made cover that hid them from plain sight.

"Jie Jie! Jia Yi Jie!"

It was Meng Jia Rui, shouting for her name as he cautiously steps from one area to another holding the arm of Ban Rushi, their mother.

The moment the mother and daughter stepped into the river, the place that Meng Jia Yi assigned them to go to when the right time comes, they were frightened by what they saw.

Several beggars lay on the forest grounds with each of their bodies shedding blood; the unfortunate beggars have their eyes still wide awake from horror as they lay there dead.

A rustle from their right resounded and soon a familiar figure came out from the cave.


Ban Rushi rushes to her daughter's side and was frantic after seeing the blood in her hands. Her heart trembles in fear, they weren't waiting we're they, she thought.

"Yi'er are you alright? Are you injured?" She held her daughter's shoulder and scrutinize every aspect of her body before sighing in relief. "You're fine, you're not injured, that's great"

"Is Jia Yi Jie fine?" She nodded to her son and together the two of them once surveyed the surrounding.

Nothing was out of the ordinary except for the dead beggars on the ground, Meng Jia Yi has never spoken a word to them and that's when they realize that something was not right.

"Where... where is XiXi?" Ban Rushi's tone wavered, her eyes drifted from her daughter to the forest grounds looking for the familiar figure of her XiXi.

She watches as her daughter's eyes reddened until a drop of tear fell and then another till it gushed out of her eyes.

Without hesitation, Ban Rushi hugs her and closely embraced her while patting her back. Whispering words of forgiveness as she wrapped her arms even tightly while the sobs wracked her daughter's body.

In the corner of her eyes, she watches Meng Jia Rui enter the cave and take away the branches that were used for concealment. Then he appeared with a solemn expression, troubled melancholic eyes showing the extent of what her daughter suffered this night.

"Mother is here, mother is sorry. Yes, it's mother's fault for being too indecisive" she then held her daughter's face, she was still in tears with a dazed look on her. "It's not your fault, alright? Say it with me, it's not your fault"

Ban Rushi felt her heart breaking when Meng Jia Yi shook her head. It was clear as day that Meng Jia Yi accounts for the death of XiXi on her head and not for the circumstances that they have gone through.

Meanwhile, Meng Jia Ruo took care of XiXi's corpse, gathered some wildflowers and placed it on her surrounding before knocking on his head. A heart filled with a debt of gratitude that he and his family would pay for.

"Jie Jie, we have to leave"

Meng Jia Ruo stated, his body stiff from being overtly cautious of his surrounding. He wanted to leave this place and never step on this ground anymore- everything that hurts their family was in this place.

They plan to go to the place where many survivors fled after the rebellion, joining the group of survivors and acting low as they wait for the rebel forces to dwindle.

Sometimes, the safest places to hide are those that are the most dangerous places that are near to the threat itself. After all who would have thought that a thief would hide in a place they just broke and stole from?

So they have to take this chance to leave this place because there might be fewer chances in the future if they miss this chance now.

"We would be caught, Jie, we have to leave!" Meng Jia Ruo walked toward the two most important women in his life and strengthen his will. "We have to leave, now!"

"Your sister..." Ban Rushi trailed off, her eyes wet in tears seeing the collapse of her daughter.

Let him be the villain then, Meng Jia Ruo thought and strode in his sister's direction. His hands are much bigger now as he held her shoulders and force her to look at him; anguish threatens to crack his mask but he upholds his will to be the villain himself.

"XiXi sacrificed just so we could leave this hellish place! If she sees you right now, she would feel that her sacrifice was meaningless! Do you want her to regret sacrificing, do you?!"

At these words, the dazed lost look of Meng Jia Yi's eyes brightened and her pursed lips began to open up with a sob.

"Le-let's go" she muttered, throat sore from weeping as she stood up with the help of her younger brother.

Ban Rushi helped her son by supporting her daughter, Meng Jia Rui then took their fake identification papers and the silver banknotes that they have accumulated. Medicines and daggers were placed in his soiled bag as he and his family took off.

Meng Jia Yi once more look behind her, XiXi was still laying on the ground surrounded by flowers sleeping peacefully amidst the rebels that killed her.

"Thank you, XiXi" she whispers, the air softly brushed into her face as if answering and another tear fell on her face.

'This would be the last time I will shed a tear' she thought.

Chapter 60 is up!

It's hard to know that women are just commodities in ancient times, someone that promulgate childbirth and treated worse as animals.

For a bright woman like XiXi, it was clear that she wanted to see the world and be free of the constraints of her class. A slave, but nonetheless a dreamer.

She will be remembered as one of the souls that suffered in the tumultuous times of ancient civilization. 

Have a great day and stay safe!


Thank you!

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