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A/N: It was monday in the previous chapters so today's chapter I time skipped and it is now Thursday.

It was Thursday, and Ei couldn't stop thinking about Miko.

She is the only thing on her mind, she can't concentrate in class, and she was frustrated when she noticed Miko was ignoring her. Is she mad? Ei pondered.

Even when Ei was watching Miko's PE class on Tuesday and cheering her on as she won the game, she was about to give Miko a water bottle when she was interrupted by Yunjin from Class 1-C, and she was sad because she didn't get to give Miko the water bottle.

This is really suspicious, so Ei looked into it more. It was lunchtime, and she noticed Miko's friends at a nearby cafeteria table. She decided to approach them and inquire about Miko. She asked as to whether Miko was ignoring her and was always met with the same response: they don't know.

So she asked her friends where she was and took the choice to talk to her. Ei hopes Miko is alone because they said she was in the library.


She eventually spotted the kitsune, and Ei smiled simply by looking at her, bringing back all of her emotions and memories from their childhood. Ei wished Miko remembered her. She has missed the kitsune girl terribly, and she has grown even more in love with her.

Ei approached her, but someone got to Miko first, so Ei came to a halt on her way to Miko and opted to sit at the other table, waiting for Miko to finish the conversation with the person.

She observes Miko quietly. She had every detail of her face memorized. Her beautiful fluffy pink hair, which Ei always longed to touch, reminds her of how she used to pet Miko on the head because Miko liked it. As a result, she quietly chuckled. Her lovely amethyst eyes that she can't stop staring at, her smile that has won Ei's heart from the day they met. She'll never get tired of staring at her loved one, and she's been certain that she loves Miko since they were kids, and even now, she hasn't recognized it until she remembers her memories from the past.

Her smile is as lovely as ever. Ei pondered. She is head over heels in love with the kitsune. She did, however, overhear Miko's conversation with the person.


That was the word Ei heard from the person. Ei was... jealous. Jealousy took over her, so she decided to leave the library and think about how she would confront her father.

Ei will protect Miko at all costs, and with that, Ei chose to return to her father's house and just accept the marriage that her father desires. It was a difficult decision to make, but she made it and vowed she would not be regretful. She simply desires.... Miko should be protected at all times, even if he doesn't remember her. Even if Miko is unable to return Ei's feelings.

Ei has not yet spoken with Ayaka or Sara about this matter; she will do so when she has spoken with her father. This is her only option, the only way to protect Miko.

Ei made a snap decision not to attempt Miko to recollect those memories. Ei don't want to disrupt Miko's happiness right now. She was a fool and a coward. She promised to protect Miko in the shadows. Ei wants nothing more than to be close to Miko.

But, is it really what Ei wants? 


"Wise decision," her father said. 

"I'm only doing this for her, not for you. Don't ever lay a finger on her, if you did, you will loose your only daughter," Ei said with her cold tone.

"I won't," he chuckled. "Tomorrow, the Kamisato's will be arriving here, try to look good and act good," he added. 

"Is there more?" Ei asked.

"Ah, yes. After your first exam, you will transfer to Sumeru and study with Ayato. I have discussed this with his father; it was difficult persuading him, but he gave up. I don't want any complaints," he stated, making Ei furious.

"What do you mean I'll transfer to Sumeru?! I agreed to marry Ayato, but not on this!" Ei yelled.

"Do what I say if you don't want your dear friend to be hurt," he snarled.

Ei was silent, and she had no choice but to accept it. "Don't ever touch her, Father," Ei groaned. "Yes, I swore I'd never touch that friend of yours," he grinned.


"Why did you make a decision on your own?! Are you stupid?" Sara said. "C-calm down, Sara," Kokomi said.

"You should have discussed it with us; why did you make such a hasty decision?" Ayaka sighed.

"My father is threatening me! Do you think he'll back down? If he wants to ruin someone's life, he'll do it no matter what!" Ei shouted back. "Knowing my father, he'll go to any length to get me back and ruin Miko's life; I can't allow that happen!" Ei shouted again.

"A-am I supposed to be here," Lumine awkwardly chuckled.

"Shit," Ei sighed.

"Just... keep your mouth shut to Miko," Sara sighed.

"Are you sure about your decision? You'll be in Sumeru for archons know how long, and you'll lose Miko," Ayaka said.

"I am certain, and I will not be regretful; simply knowing she is safe..... that's all I need," Ei answered.

"For fucks sake, this is the dumbest decision you've ever made," Sara groaned.

"What do you want me to do?!" Ei yelled. 

"Of course you're going to fight! Are you simply going to back down and let your father control you again?! Are you that coward?!" Sara shouted back.

"S-sara, please calm down," Kokomi pleaded as she clutched Sara's hand, and Sara, to her surprise, had calmed down.

"I d-don't know what the hell is going on, but care to elaborate? You mentioned... Miko," said Lumine.

They told Lumine everything, and she kept a calm expression and tried to think.

"I agree with Sara that your decision was dumb, but if you're sure you won't regret it, I'll just have to respect it," Lumine said.

"Thank you, Lumine," Ei replied, glaring at Sara, who merely rolled her eyes.

"Please convey my apologies to... Ayato," Ei said. "It's alright, he'll understand," Ayaka assured Ei with a smile.

"So, what now?" Sara asked.

"I'm simply going to enjoy my... remaining time here," Ei said.

I'm sorry, Miko


aaaaaaa we will be going to have a lot of fcking dramas and I will end the story by this week. I hope you guys are still enjoying the story :)

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