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"Who did you vote for?" Miko asked.

"Hmm, guess it," Ei smiled.

Miko pouted, "Will I have reward if I guessed it right?" 

"Hmm, I don't know what to reward to you," Ei chuckled.

"A date?" Miko smirked. "A date it is," Ei smiled.

Miko blushed; she was not anticipating this kind of response from Ei; she was not supposed to say that; she expected Ei to say something different, not with this kind of reply.

In short, she was caught off guard.

"I welcome all of the first years here. We will now start the winners of the student council elections. I request all of you to settle down now," the Principal said.

"Let me guess, you voted for Ningguang for president," Miko whispered.


"Jean for vice president?" 

"Hmm, wrong," Ei said, smiling. "Ah, Xingqiu. I guess I'm not going to have that date," Miko said.

"I'll give you another chance," Ei said. Ei obviously wanted to go on the date with Miko. Miko's face brightened up again, and she continued to guess.

"Keqing for Secretary?" 


"Ganyu for treasurer," 

"Correct once more. You really want that date, huh?" Ei giggled.

"Of course, I'm not a fool who would turn down the chance to go on a date with a beautiful girl," Miko winked, making Ei blush.

Miko was always like way, sly, flirty, and daring, and Ei liked it, even if she found it annoying at times.


"The person with the most votes for student council president is......"

"Ningguang!" exclaimed the Principal as he clapped and all of the students applauded, pleased that Ningguang had won the presidential election.

Miko looked at Childe, and she didn't feel sorry for the poor lad who had lost the presidential election. Miko was surprised that he actually lost; she expected him to bribe everyone.

"Thank you everybody for your votes! I promise that as student council president, I will try my best to hear everyone's voices!" Ningguang smiled as she bowed.

The Principal then proceeded to announce the other candidates who had won the election.

The election was won by Jean, Keqing, and Ganyu. Miko was pleased, while Ei was disappointed because the vice president for whom she voted did not win.

"Are you disappointed?" Miko chuckled. She is currently walking with Ei in the hallway to their respective classrooms, which is convenient because they are next to one other.

"Kind of," Ei said. "Well, let me cheer you up; I believe I won our bet earlier, and you owe me a date," Miko winked. Ei was excited by it. "I'll wait for you in your classroom; go fetch your things,"

Miko then walked inside her classroom to get her things, while Ei got hers and waited for Miko. Miko's friends were surprised to see Ei.

"Waiting for someone, Ei?" Xiao asked.

"A-ah. Yes," Ei replied. "Is it Miko?" Hu Tao smugged. 

"Y-yes," Ei replied, embarrassed. "Miko, hurry up! Your partner is waiting here!" Lumine yelled.

Ei blushed as a result of what she had heard. Partner

That's nice, but she'd rather have the word lover or, maybe, girlfriend.

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