Episode 297 (20/05/22)

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India: Previously On Redbye
Claire: What? What is it?
Molly: I got spooked by a crab.
Claire: You do realise this wouldn't have happened if you weren't so ruthless! You booked plane tickets with NO accommodation!
Kanye: He's your lecturer.
India: We're keeping it a secret, it's nothing.
Kanye: Promise?
India: Promise.
They hold hands & walk away.
Sarah: Me grow up? Your the one who came to Callum's review meeting completely screwed!
Tina: He's not even one of us, little urchin.
Sarah slaps her.
Nicole: Do you know who killed Rachel?
Archer: No, I don't. But my grandson might.
Nicole: Hector?
Archer: Not Hector. Tony.
In Spain:
Claire exits her bedroom.
Claire: Morning.
Molly: Yep.
Claire: Sorry about yesterday on the beach, I had a really bad nights sleep, beaches aren't the most suitable mattress replacements you know.
Molly: I know, I shouldn't have dragged you here.
Claire: It's fine, plus it gives me a chance to see what our boyfriends are getting up too in the bars.
Molly laughs.
Molly: I'd rather not know.
Claire goes onto the balcony.
Claire: Me too!
In the village:
Hector: He said Tony? What for?
Nicole: I don't know, maybe we should ask him?
Hector: I'll do it, mums going through enough at the moment, but why would Tony kill Rachel? He didn't even know her properly.
They watch him go into a shop, Suddenly they hear a woman shouting. They look up at the bridge.
Nicole: Is that Tina?
Hector: Yep, that family hasn't been anywhere near quiet since she turned up.
Janet: What is she doing up there?
Nicole: Ring Celine.
Janet: Will do.
Tina: Woo!
Nicole: That's the bridge with the new train track on right?
Tina: Woo!
Hector: Jesus yeah.
Nicole: I'll call the station.
In the Taylor's:
Celine puts the phone down.
Sarah: You alright?
Celine: Tina's on the bridge screaming her head of.
Sarah: Oh for god sake.
Sarah grabs her jumper:
Celine: Where are you going?
Sarah: To get my idiot sister of that bridges
They both walk out.
In the Jackson's:
Hector: Tony.
Tony: Yeah?
Hector: Nicole went to see grandad yesterday because she thought he might have something to do with Rachel's death.
Tony: & did he?
Hector: No, but he did say that you might.
Tony: Me?
Hector: This is gonna sound mental, but did you kill Rachel?
Tony: What?
Hector: Tony. Did you kill her.
In the village:
Celine: Tina!
Janet: Stay back love.
Celine: What is she doing? She's gonna get herself killed!
Nicole: The station have suspended any trains going two & fourth.
On the bridge:
Sarah: Tina!
Tina: Oh go away! Your like a broken record!
Sarah: Please get down, it's not safe up here.
Tina: It's not safe in that house either!
She looks over the village.
-Here that everyone? Come to the Taylor household & you'll end up dead! Just like my dad!
Sarah: Tina!
Celine: Oh god.
Tina: You see her! That bitch stood behind me!
Sarah: No.
Celine: Oh no.
Janet: What? What is it?
Tina: She accused my father of rape! Then let him die of a heart attack that she brought on!
Sarah covers her eyes, police cars pull up.
Naomi: Right, get her down.
Toshiko: On it.
Janet, Nicole & Celine gasp.
In the student flat:
Kanye: India?
India: Yeah?
Kanye: You know I love you don't you?
India: Yeah course I do & so do I.
Kanye: So.
India: So what?
Kanye gets down on one knee & presents her with a ring, she gasps.
-Oh my.
Kanye: India Townsend, will you marry me?
She gasps.
India: Yes!
He gets up & they hug.
-Yes of course I'll marry you!
He puts the ring on her finger & they kiss.


CAST (in order of appearance)
Claire Barlow
Molly Truman
Hector Jackson
Nicole Carpenter
Janet Shelby
Tina Taylor
Celine Taylor
Sarah Taylor
Tony Jackson
Naomi Groves
Toshiko Lau
Kanye Levine
India Townsend

Toshiko: Tina Taylor I'm arresting you for behind drunk & disorderly.
Celine: If this don't teach her I don't know what will.
Sarah: Yeah.

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