Episode 372 (17/11/22)

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Molly: Previously On Redbye
Sarah: Clara love you need to open up, anyone can see that what you told Sam was bull.
Clara: Believe what you will mum.
Sarah: Clara! Your having panic attacks & your saying it's nothing! You can't just brush this under the carpet.
Clara: What? Like you did when you let grandad die?
Sarah: How dare you.
ZaZa: What are you shouting at?!
Sarah: It's her! She-
Clara: No it was her she's the one who's just humiliated me!
Roisa: Will you shut up?!
Sarah: Who are you talking too?!
Celine comes in to see her family arguing.
Celine: What?
She runs out.
In the village:
She sits down & cries.
Freddie: Cel?
Celine: My family's falling apart.
He raises an eyebrow, she cries harder.
Sarah: That's what he called me Mum, When he raped me.
Grandad: What? Don't be so silly Sarah.
Grandad is on his knees holding his chest.
Nana: I know what you did to my daughter!
Grandad: H-H-Help me!
Sarah: I am not gonna let you die before you say sorry too me.
Nana: Niall!
Grandad: I-I
Sarah picks up the phone & dials 999, Nana puts her hand on the phone.
Nana: No.
Sarah looks at Nana.
-The sooner it happens the better.
In the village:
Thunder claps as rain pours through the village.
In the b&b:
Celine is staring out the window, she looks down at Sienna who is in her cot, she sighs, Freddie comes out of the bathroom wearing a towel.
Freddie: You ok?
Celine: I think.
She sits down, he sits down with her.
Freddie: Give them time to get over with it, it's all getting a bit heated.
Celine: A bit heated? Freddie Nana is dying, Roisa's leaving, ZaZa & Liam are having underage sex, Clara I-I-I don't even know! & Lee turning up it's just too much right now for me to cope with.
Freddie: I know but give 'em time babe, things'll get better you hear me?
She nods.
In the village:
Tony is inside of synthesis wiping the bar, he sees Layla out in the storm.
Tony: What is she doing? Layla!
He opens the door.
Layla: What?!
Tony: Where are you going?
Layla: I don't know! Somewhere that isn't this cesspit.
Tony: It ain't safe out here Layla!
Layla: Fine!
She goes inside.
In synthesis:
Tony: Here take my jumper.
He takes his jumper off rendering him shirtless.
Layla: Don't-
Tony: It's fine honestly.
Layla: No I mean I'd rather not stand next to a really attractive man with no shirt on.
Tony: Do you fancy me?
Layla: What?
Tony: When you kissed me not long back was that for no reason or-
Layla: It's because I like you. That's why I did it.
Tony: Oh, well I-I like you too.
They look at each other & kiss.
In the Dixon's:
Clara: I can't keep it in much more!
Chester: Well you have to! I'm not going down with you.
Clara: Your the one who got me into this mess by making me keep shut!
Chester: Well let's not remember who ran Mabel over in the first place.
In the Taylor's:
Lee: You ok?
Sarah: Why do I let what he did get to me?
Lee: Niall?
Sarah nods.
-What happened to you is enough to shake up anyone, god Sarah rape isn't something that goes away overnight.
He puts his arm around you.
-Look I know our family is a mess at the moment but it'll get better.
She looks at him.
-It will.
In Molly's flat:
Penny: Molly, hi.
Molly: What do you want?
Penny: I've spoken to Erin & we think that you've made progress.
Molly: Right.
Penny: & we will consider returning Jesse & Skylar into your care.
Molly: When?!
Penny: If there are no complications, tomorrow.
Molly cries.
Molly: Thank you so much.
In the B&B:
Celine draws the curtain.
Celine: The storm. It's over.
Freddie: Wanna go out for dinner?
Celine: Why not.

End of episode.

CAST (in order of appearance)
Celine Crimson
Sienna Crimson
Freddie Crimson
Tony Jackson
Layla Longhurst
Clara Taylor
Chester Dixon
Sarah Taylor
Lee Taylor
Molly Truman
Penny Maxwell

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