Series Three Final - Episode 407 (31/12/22)

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Celine: Previously On Redbye:
Madison: & Christmas was ruined once more!
She cries & falls to the floor.
-I can't do this anymore. I can't. Why me? Why do I have to put up with this.
Celine: So, what's up with you?
Letitia: I told you-
Celine: You are NOT hungover, it's something else Letitia tell me please! I'm your best mate.
Letitia: Fine, last night on my way back home I was f-
Jenny: Got the sausage rolls!
Celine: You were saying?
Letitia: Nothing, it's fine honest.
Florence: So you coming tomorrow?
Lorna: Yeah, why not.
Florence: Cool! I'll text you the details!
Lorna: Cool.
Rae: A tear stain?
Scarlett: My boy was not one for tears, he didn't leave because he felt like it, I think he left because of something else.
Lee: I'm sorry we shouldn't have had that family meeting without you.
Nana: It's ok darling.
Lee: It is?
Nana: Tomorrow.
Lee: What about it?
Nana: Your gonna help me commit suicide. Tomorrow.
Lee stares at her in horror.
Lee: Ok.
The Rhythm Of The Night by Corona plays.
Nana holds a bottle of pills.
Lee: You sure about this?
Nana nods.
Letitia: Do you want me to babysit Sienna while you all go out tonight? I'm not feeling 100%-
Celine: Oh we're gonna have a little party in here.
Madison holds up a dress.
Rob: & what's that for?
Madison: Tonight.
Rob: & what are you doing tonight?
Madison: Going out.
Sarah enters the pub.
Sarah: Hey!
Hu: Hey.
They kiss.
Lorna gets into a taxi.
Luca watches Maddie.
Blair & Sean go through a list.
In the Foster's:
Rob: Madison you are not going out!
Madison: Yes I am!
Rob: No your not! I said your not so your not!
He grabs her arm.
Madison: Get of off me!
Rob: Listen to me Madison. You. Are. Not. Going. Out!
Madison: Listen to me! 'Rob'! I am! You do not own me I am my own person! So let go of me! Now!
He tightens his grip.
-Your hurting me! Just get of off me! Now! Please!
Rob: Listen to me & listen to me clearly, you are not doing anything tonight like those silly common chavs that you call friends-
Madison: I've told you they're not my f-
He throws her to the floor.
Rob: You let me finish! What's the point? Your just gonna make my life more difficult anyway.
He walks away, Madison cries.
-(offscreen) that's it! Turn on the waterworks!
Madison cries holding a bloody knife standing over someone on the floor.
Madison: I'm sorry, i-it didn't need to be this way.
She gets up.
Toyah: Mum?
Toyah comes in, Madison hides the knife behind her back.
Madison: Toyah baby, go upstairs, I'll be up in a minute.
Toyah runs up the stairs, Madison drops her knife, a hammer is visible next to the person on the floor.
-What do I do? What do I do?
Bannaboat runs in.
Bannaboat: Madison! What have you done?!
Madison looks up at Rob.
Toyah: Mum? What are you doing on the floor?
Madison: Just dropped an earring.
Toyah: But both of yours are in.
Madison: I've just put it in.
She smiles.
In the Scarlett Red Tavern:
Sarah & Hu are sat down.
Hu: Have things calmed down?
Sarah: Celine's still not talking to us, she's in Dorset with Letitia & Freddie's family.
Hu: Things will get better & truth be told Sarah, my life has been better since I met you, your the first woman I've truly loved since my wife, Shing-Lin passed away 10 years ago, she'd like you.
Sarah: Really?
Hu: Yes, she was a lot of fun, she had a great sense of humour.
Sarah: She sounded like she was brilliant.
Hu: She was. I love you Sarah.
Sarah: I love you too.
They kiss.
Sarah: Where's Lucy? She's gonna miss the christening!
Hu: Sarah, she'll be here, don't worry, all in time for our baby boy.
A baby is revealed to be in his arms.
Sarah: Haoyu Lau-Taylor, what a brilliant name.
They pull away.
Sarah: Wonder how mum & Lee are getting on.
In the café:
Blair: I was thinking blue & red flowers, the bridesmaids have red dresses & the best man etc have blue suits.
Sean: Yeah, not bad.
Rex comes in.
Rex: Ooo what's this?! A wedding?!
Sean: Hi?
Rex: I'm Rex, you?
Sean: Sean.
Blair: Blair.
Rex shakes Sean's hand.
Sean: You've been sleeping with my wife?
Carla: You slut!
Blair: He's lying!
Rex: Blair & I have been having an affair for 6 months.
Sean: You bastard!
Lucy: Knock him one Sean!
Panic attacks in paradise by Ashnikko plays.
In Dorset:
Letitia writes in her diary.
Letitia: (voice) Dear diary, 2 days ago I was raped by a man when I was walking home & it has messed up so much, I went to the police but yet I couldn't say anything. I wanted to say something but I couldn't. I really want to tell someone what happened, keeping it a secret is so hard & it is tearing me apart but yet I just cannot bring myself to tell anybody what happened.
In the village:
The sun goes down, the moon comes up.
In the Taylor's:
Lee puts a glass of water down.
Lee: Are you sure you wanna do this?
Nana: Yeah.
Nana opens the bottle.
-I love you sweetheart.
Lee: I love you too mum.
She takes a pill & puts it in her mouth.
In the Wilson's:
Siobhan: Here, who owns the doll?
Rae: the fruit loops got it for Lorna.
Siobhan: I do not like the way that thing is looking at me.
Rae: You don't have to tell me.
Lorna: Die!
Siobhan: Jesus Christ.
Rae: Mum!
A big book flies at Rae.
Siobhan: Rae!
Siobhan runs to Rae, however something throws her down the stairs.
Rae: Mum!
Lorna laughs demonically.
Jamie opens a small vial & he holds a bible, he notices the doll's head turn.
Jamie: In the name of father, the son & the Holy Spirit I condemn you back to hell!
Lorna screams.
Rae: Mum! She's not breathing!
The house begins to shake, scratch marks begin to form on the walls.
-What the?!
A Horned entity forms in the corner of the room. Rae screams.
-What do you want from us?!
Helecta: Your soul!
Siobhan: That thing should be in the bin, it looks demonic.
Rae laughs.
The loneliest time by Carly Rae Jepsen & Rufus Wainwright plays.
In Destiny:
ZaZa & Callum dance.
ZaZa: Another round?
Callum: Yeah! Go on!
They laugh, ZaZa goes to the bar, she texts Lee saying - Everything ok?
In a hall:
Florence: Init good?
Lorna: Where's the music, the food, the booze, the photo booth?
Ross: We don't need any of that to have a good time.
Lorna: I guess.
Florence locks the doors.
-Why the locks?
Florence: So we get no unwanted company.
Lorna notices people wearing robes.
Lorna: The robes?
Florence takes a knife out of bag.
-What the hell? She takes of her coat, revealing a robe to be worn by her too, she takes a mask & places it over her face,
Florence: Are we all sitting comfortably? Follow me Ross.
Ross: Yes.
They go up to the front of the hall, Ross takes of his shirt & gets on the floor.
Florence: Satan, we bring you our monthly sacrifice of blood to you, our hellish father.
Lorna: Satan?
Florence carves a symbol in Ross's back, she collects the blood in a chalice.
Florence: We will drink this blood to pass it onto you Satan!
Florence passes the chalice of blood around, people begin to drink from it, Lorna screams.
Lorna: Let me out! Let me out! Now!
In the village:
Her screams echo.
Scarlett: Layla!
Layla: Scarlett, what do you want?
Scarlett: Do you know anything about this?
She hands her the letter.
Layla: Yeah.
Scarlett: What? You do?! Tell me the truth! Why did he leave!
Layla: He raped me Scarlett, your beloved Tony raped me, so I made him leave-
Scarlett: What?
She tears up.
-He would not do that! I know he was visiting his evil grandfather but he would not do that!
Layla: He threatened to kill me if I went to the police, so I turned the tables on him & made him leave, otherwise I'd tell his mum what he did, I did it anyway, have a good day.
Scarlett looks up.
Scarlett: H-he wouldn't.
She looks up at the bridge.
-He wouldn't.
Scarlett is walking through the village, she sees Celine & Layla arguing.
Scarlett: G-guys come down, y-you've had loads to drink, it's dangerous, Layla! Celine! Come on!
Someone falls of off the bridge & lands in front of Scarlett,
Scarlett: Oh my god! What have you done!
She collapses.
Scarlett: He didn't do that. H-he wouldn't!
In the Scarlett Red Tavern:
Sarah sees a text message from Nana pop up, reading - 'I love you, don't be sad because it happened, be happy because I'm free from this illness'.
Sarah: Oh no, Hu I have to go, I'm sorry.
She runs.
Hu: Sarah! Sarah!
In the village:
Maddie walks alone.
Luca: Oi!
Maddie: No! Leave me alone!
He throws a substance in her face, she screams & falls.
Luca: That's what you deserve!
Journalist: So what happened?
Maddie: This man, he threw a jug or something that was full of acid in my face-
She screams.
Ash: Maddie? Maddie!
Maddie: My face!
Ash takes her phone out.
Ash: Hello? Ambulance please!
My Mistake by Gabrielle Aplin plays.
In the Taylor's:
Nana empties the bottle & puts the last sleeping pill in her mouth, she swallows it with a mouthful of water.
Nana: It's over. It's finally over.
Sarah bursts in, Nana's eyes begin to close.
Sarah: Mum! Mum!
Lee: Sarah.
Sarah: No! No!
In the village:
Crowd: 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! Happy New Year!!

End of episode.

CHARACTERS (in order of appearance)
Nana Taylor
Lee Taylor
Letitia Greene
Celine Crimson
Madison Foster
Rob Foster
Sarah Taylor
Hu Lau
Lorna Wilson
Luca Larson
Maddie Morahan
Blair Watkins
Sean Taylor
Toyah Foster
Haoyu Lau-Taylor
Rex Ryan
Carla Taylor
Lucy Taylor
Siobhan Wilson
Rae Wilson
Jamie Goodman
ZaZa Taylor
Callum Musgrave
Florence Garvey
Ross Osborne
Scarlett Jackson
Layla Longhurst
Celine Crimson
Ash Holloway

My Mistake stops playing.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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