Episode 373 (18/11/22)

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Molly: Previously On Redbye
Celine: What are you doing here you whore?!
Layla: Who are you calling a whore y-you 50 pence pole dancer!
Celine: Bitch!
Layla: Chav!
Celine slaps her with her bag.
Eryk looks around the house. He picks up his bag & walks out of the house. His keys go through the letterbox.
Janet: Alright? I'm Janet.
Madison: I'm Maddison, this is Rob & this is our daughter To-
Rob: Come on.
Maddison looks down, She enters the house with Rob & Toyah, the door shuts.
Janet: Some people.
Penny: I've spoken to Erin & we think that you've made progress.
Molly: Right.
Penny: & we will consider returning Jesse & Skylar into your care.
Molly: When?!
Penny: If there are no complications, tomorrow.
Hypnotised by Sophie Ellis-Bextor & Wuh Oh plays.
Layla: Celine!
Celine: Piss off!
Layla: I'll give you bloody piss off.
Nadira: Ooo something smells good!
Janet: Cookies. I am gonna try & make an effort with the Fosters even if they won't.
Nadira sighs.
Taylor opens the door.
Eryk: Hey.
Taylor hugs him.
Molly straightens her hair.
Molly: Here we go.
In the village:
Hypnotised stops playing.
Layla: Look why can't you forgive me?!
Celine: You were my best friend & you went behind my back & slept with my boyfriend!
Layla: It was just sex! It doesn't mean anything!
Celine: You betrayed me! Both of you betrayed me!
Layla: Look I'm sorry ok? I am!
Celine: Just words Layla. Just words now I have to get home to my husband & my daughter.
George & Roisa load up suitcases into a car.
Layla: & where are you going?
Roisa: Thailand for a new life. Why do you care?
Layla: I don't.
George: Then why are you talking to us?
Layla: Free country.
Roisa: Go to hell Layla.
Layla smiles.
Layla: I hope your plane falls out of the sky & into a swap full of crocodiles.
She walks away.
Roisa: Bitch.
George: Ignore her babe.
Roisa: I think the sooner we're out of here the better.
George: Totally.
They get in the car & drive away.
In Taylor's flat:
Taylor: Where have you been?
Eryk: I went back to Poland for a few months.
Taylor: Why didn't you ring or email or send a letter or something?
Eryk: I-I- I needed to be alone.
Taylor: Your dads locked up still.
Eryk: Best place for him to be honest with you.
Taylor: Yeah.
Eryk: I've missed you.
Taylor: I've missed you too.
They kiss.
-Have you been to see your mum & your sisters?
Eryk: No.
Taylor: You probably should.
Eryk: Has something happened?
Taylor: Yeah, there was an incident last month involving a couple of racists & your home.
Eryk: Oh my god.
In the Dixon's:
Nadira: Janet, think please! They wanna keep themselves to themselves so your better off just leaving them!
Janet: Something isn't right in there Nadira! Can't you see that?
Nadira: No! I can't! All I can see is a family that wanna be left to their own devices!
Janet: Yeah well I say otherwise.
In the village:
Penny & Erin approach Molly who have Jesse & Skylar in a buggy.
Molly: Oh! Sweethearts!
Erin: Hey.
Molly tears up.
Molly: Thank you so much Erin.
Penny: All is well, so I'll leave you too it.
Molly: Ok.
Erin: I'm sorry for the way I behaved love it was wrong.
Molly: No, I shouldn't have let things go the way they did, I chose to climb into bed with Kurt because I thought that I'd get a bit more money.
Erin: You were forced Molly, anybody can see that.
Molly: So what's next for you?
Erin: I fly back tonight, god knows what Talulah has done to my house whilst I've been away.
Molly: Wanna go for a glass of wine?
Erin: Aye, why not.
They smile & walk.
Celine & Freddie walk through the village with Sienna in the pram, Layla sees them.
Layla: I think a repeat of history is in due course.
She smiles.

End of episode.

CAST (in order of appearance)
Layla Longhurst
Celine Crimson
Nadira Quereshi
Janet Shelby
Taylor Gregory
Eryk Kaczmarek
Molly Truman
Roisa Taylor
George Nolan
Penny Maxwell
Erin Fisher

Molly waves off a taxi.

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