Episode 384 (05/12/22)

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Molly: Previously On Redbye:
(Slow-motion) Destiny picks up Molly's gun.
(Slow-motion) Claire: What are you doing?
(Slow-motion) Destiny: Saving your life!
(Slow-motion) Molly: Destiny! No!
(Slow-motion) Destiny: Get down!
(Slow-motion) Molly ducks.
(Slow-motion) Destiny turns & fires, Colm fires his gun too, both & he & Destiny fall.
Frankie: Mum! No!
She holds her back.
Christine: My boy.
She falls to the ground, Frankie does too.
Armed officer: Put the weapon on the ground & put your hands on your head.
Winona nods to him, he throws the gun down & puts his hands behind his head, Winona leaves his side as an officer handcuffs him & escorts him to a van.
Winona: Go home! All of you!
Tina comes down the stairs wearing a towel, the door is wide open.
Tina: Hello? Lee?
She sighs & grabs a nutcracker statue & holds it.
-Come at me! I dare you!
A woman appears.
Tina whacks her over the head, she falls.
Sean: Tina?!
Tina: Sean?!
Sean looks at the woman on the floor.
Sean: Blair! Blair?! Can you hear me?! Call an ambulance!
Sleigh Ride by The Ronnets plays.
Molly puts a bauble on the tree.
Molly: That ones for you sis.
Mairead: You ready?
Molly: Yeah, she's gonna get the send off she deserves.
Tina stares at an unconscious Blair who is in a hospital bed.
Sean: She's gonna be ok.
Tina: Who is she Sean?
Sean: My fiancée.
Tina: What?!
Mickey: Morning.
Christine wipes her eyes.
Christine: Morning.
Hu sees Sarah.
In Molly's flat:
Sleigh Ride stops playing.
Mairead: You ready for this?
Molly: More than.
Claire: Taxis here.
Molly: Coming.
In the Nicholson's:
Mickey: What time are you seeing Harry?
Christine: 2PM.
Mickey: Frankie going?
Christine: No, she's gone into the village to try & get some sense of the place.
Mickey: He'll be alright.
Christine: How can you say that Mickey?
Mickey: What?
Christine: My 11 year old son & your younger brother is in a young offenders institute! He ain't made for places like that.
Mickey: Sorry.
Christine: Yeah.
She grabs a bottle of wine.
Mickey: It's 9AM.
Christine: &? Who cares? I don't! If you cared that much you'd be ripping the bottle outta my hand!
Mickey: You really think coping by drinking alcohol at 9AM is gonna solve things? You know what do what you want.
He leaves. Christine drinks from the bottle.
In the church:
Priest: We are here today to remember Destiny Hannah Truman who we unfortunately lost on the 31st October this year, her sister Molly Truman has a few words to remember her sister by.
Molly gets up onto the podium.
Molly: Thank you father. Earlier this year, I lost my sister, my best friend, she was a staple of our community, always there to brighten a day encased by dark skies & rainy days, she did not deserve to die the way she did, I always thought I'd be the first one to die, I always thought she'd outlive me & Trudy & now I'm alone, just me & the kids.
She sighs.
-Which is why I thought it'd be best to say that I'm going away for a while.
Claire gasps.
-I won't be gone forever, I'll return. In time.
She sighs.
-You'll be missed sis, we'll all miss you.
She kisses her finger & presses the finger onto Destiny's coffin.
In the village:
Hu: Morning Sarah.
Sarah: Morning Hu.
Sarah walks away.
Hu: Lovely day!
Sarah: It is!
Mai: Can it be any more obvious?
Hu: What are you talking about?
Mai: Sarah - you like her.
Hu: Ah.
She smiles.
Mai: Do I need say more?
In the hospital:
Tina stands by Blair's bedside.
Tina: I am so sorry about last night, I thought you were an intruder.
Blair wakes up & grabs Tina's wrist, Tina screams.
Blair: Yeah you better be sorry, you tried to kill me-
Tina: It was an accident!
Blair: Not in my books bitch.
A taxi pulls up.
Molly: Well... this is it.
Claire: Call me when you land in Benidorm yeah?
Molly: Yeah.
Mairead: Look after JJ & Skylar will you?
Molly: Course I will! I've learnt from my mistakes Mairead, I promise you I will not let either of you down.
Claire: Bye bye you two.
JJ & Skylar coo.
Molly gets into the taxi,
Molly: See yous.
Mairead: Bye.
Molly cries.
Molly: One day I'll come back, one day I WILL come back.
She shuts the door.
Driver: Where to love?
Molly: Train station.
Driver: Holiday is it?
Molly: No, more like a new start.
The taxi drives away, Mairead & Clair wave.

End of episode.

CHARACTERS (in order of appearance)
Molly Truman
Mairead Barlow
Tina Taylor
Blair Watkins
Sean Taylor
Mickey Nicholson
Christine Nicholson
Hu Lau
Sarah Taylor
Claire Barlow
Mai Lau
Skylar Fisher
JJ Fisher

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