Episode 335 (22/09/22)

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Molly: Previously on Redbye
Nana: I'm dying Sarah, nothing will stop this from taking me over.
Sarah: Sam tell her.
Sam: I'm sorry but if it's what she wants then we can't force her to have treatment.
Jax: She was working for Kurt Ashton & Colm Flanagan.
Molly: She was-
Jax: Raped & murdered in a gang attack.
Sammy: I saw your complaint? Is it all true?
Flip: Yep.
Lydia stands over Alfie who's asleep without a shirt on in bed.
Lydia: This'll teach 'em both.
She takes her shirt off & takes her trousers off, she gets into the bed with him.
In the student flat:
Ash & Gwen stumble into the flat. Ash is holding a bottle of wine, Gwen is holding a bag of crisps.
Gwen: Sh! Sh!
Ash: Lol!
Gwen laughs, she goes over to the cupboard & takes out two bowls she puts them on her breasts.
Gwen: Bowl-Boobs.
The pair start laughing.
-I'll go & see if Alfie wants some Doritos.
Gwen walks over to Alfie's room she opens the door & drops the crisps.
Ash: Is he asleep?
Gwen: You can't go in there.
Ash: Why? What is it?
Gwen: Ash-
Ash marches in.
Ash: Who the hell is that?
She slams the light switch on.
Alfie & Lydia both sit up.
Alfie: What? What are you doing in here?
Ash: Yeah? What are you doing in here?
Alfie: I-I-
Lydia puts her hand on Alfie's arm.
Lydia: Alfie, we um we er.
Gwen raises an eyebrow.
Ash: Eh?
Alfie: What?
Lydia: Alfie, We had sex.
Ash gasps.
Gwen: Have I been spiked?
Alfie: I-I don't remember.
Lydia: We were both drunk.
Alfie: Your my sister I wouldn't do that.
Alfie gets out of the bed & walks into the living room, Lydia follows him.
Gwen: You two need to start speaking up.
Alfie: We didn't have sex!
Lydia: Yes we did! I vaguely remember it.
Ash: Where's the condom?
Lydia: We didn't use one.
Ash: That's convenient.
Lydia: I'm not lying! I know I've been a bitch but I wouldn't lie about this! I'm on the pill anyway.
Ash storms out, Gwen follows her.
Alfie: Lydia please. Tell me the truth now.
In the village:
Flip: Oh aye Isla! That's funny just like your attempt to make me feel awful.
Isla: I'm sorry?
Flip: Your little attempt to turn the school into something you'd see in The Crown.
Isla: I haven't got time for this.
Flip: No. A narrow minded Tory like you wouldn't.
Isla: Good one.
Isla walks off, Flip sighs.
In the Truman's:
Molly opens the door.
Molly: Hiya.
Penny: I was just passing with someone so I thought I'd come over to see how you are.
Molly: I'm fine.
Penny: You sure about that?
Molly: Yep.
Penny: You'll he glad to know that I've found someone who can take care of the children. Permanently.
Molly: Permanently?
Penny: Well, for now anyway.
Molly: Your not giving my kids to a complete & utter stranger!
Penny: Oh they're not a stranger.
Penny opens the door, Erin is stood in the doorway.
Erin: Molly.
Molly: Erin.
In the Taylor's:
Nana reads the sheet of paper regarding the lethal cocktail, Sarah comes down the stairs, she hides it.
Nana: Alright love?
Sarah: No. I want you to be seen too at the hospital. Your my mum & I don't wanna let you go out in pain.
Nana: The treatment won't do anything sweetheart what's the point in getting treatment when I'm not gonna make it anyway.
Sarah: The fact that you won't be in pain, you'll still be here.
Nana: Sarah please. It's my choice & I want you to respect it.
Shout by Zayde Wolf & IVESY plays.
In the student flat:
Alfie paces the flat.
Alfie: What do we do now?
Lydia: You go after Ash & we don't ever mention this again.
Alfie: Alright.
Alfie puts a shirt on & leaves the flat, Lydia smiles.
Lydia: He's mine now. All mine.
Shout stops playing.

End of episode.

CAST (in order of appearance)
Ash Holloway
Gwen Baker
Alfie Summerhew
Lydia Summerhew
Isla Bullock
Flip Tyler
Molly Truman
Penny Maxwell
Erin Fisher
Nana Taylor
Sarah Taylor

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