bonus chapter one {Arya's POV}

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"Ry, can you hand me the 1.5 screwdriver?" Peter asked and I looked up from my book. I rummaged through his tool kit and tossed him the screwdriver he was looking for. He sat with his back facing me but thanks to his Peter-Tingle - yes, I was still calling it that. No, Peter definitely didn't like it - he caught it without looking. 

"Thanks," he muttered before hunching over his project again. Ned was sitting next to him, occasionally pointing at something and making a comment about something else while Peter worked. I had no idea what they were building. All I knew was that they were making something for the science fair later today. It was two weeks before the start of the school year and every year, Midtown High held a science fair where students could sign up and present their projects. If the judges awarded their project with the first prize, they would win a gift voucher for dinner at a local restaurant. Naturally, everyone wanted to win.

I hadn't signed up because Skye was out of town and I didn't want to do it on my own. Also, I wanted to go to the science fair and look at everyone's projects and not have to worry about presenting and, more importantly, coming up with an idea and building it.

I glanced over at Peter and Ned, and my curiosity won, so I got off Peter's bed after closing my book and stood behind them, trying to peek over Peter's shoulder at what they were working on. "What do you think?" Peter asked. 

I hummed. "I would say it looks good if I knew what you guys were doing." 

Both sat back so I could see their project. I squinted a little. "It's a filtration system," I guessed. 

"Nope," Peter replied. "It's an electric motor." 

"Ooh, I see. Yeah, totally." I nodded. 

He glared at me. "You don't see it, do you?" 

"Not really, but I'm sure that if you give a good speech with it, the judges will see it," I said. 

"Yeah, 'cause we're so good at giving speeches," Ned huffed. 

"You'll do fine," I offered. I motioned to the motor. "But the important thing is, does this thing work?" 

Peter nodded excitedly and flicked a switch on the side. The motor started lowly humming. "That's so cool," I said, holding my hand over the motor and feeling the electricity radiating off of it.

"Really?" Peter asked. "Do you think we have a shot?" 

"Of course. I doubt there'll be something better than this. I mean, you built a motor from scratch. Elon Musk himself should feel threatened," I told them, sitting on the edge of the bed. I checked the time on my phone. "Shouldn't you get going? I thought the fair started at 2?" 

"No, it starts at 3," Peter replied as he hunched over the motor again after turning it off. 

I opened my email. "No, it says here that it starts at 2." 

Peter and Ned shot up simultaneously and stared at the email I held up with wide eyes. "Crap," they said in unison and Ned nearly knocked the motor off Peter's desk as they scrambled to their feet. They sprinted out of the room and I rolled my eyes at them. I carefully took the motor from the desk and followed them to the front door. Peter's eyes widened when he saw the motor in my hands. "Right," he muttered, taking their creation from me and pressing a hurried kiss to my cheek. "Would you mind driving us? If we take the train, we'll never make it in time," he asked then.

"Sure, let me go get my keys," I replied, chuckling. After fetching my keys, we headed to the parking lot behind Peter and May's apartment building where my Audi e-tron GT was waiting for us. Peter sat down in the passenger's seat while Ned sat in the back with the motor that he promised to keep safe while I drove us to Midtown High.

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