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Clutching the heavily bleeding wound on my stomach, I sprinted through the streets of Berlin. People were looking at me with great concern and confusion, some even asked if I was okay, but I couldn't stop. I was so out of breath, but I couldn't stop. My legs were burning and black spots danced in front of my eyes, but I couldn't stop. Not while knowing that I could still be chased. If I stopped, I could die. 

Even though I was terrified to do so, I looked over my shoulder and to my relief, I didn't see anyone. 

My suit was heavily damaged and I prayed that my glasses were okay. I couldn't bear to lose them too. They were one of the last things I had left of my father.  

The road was coming to end soon, so with one final glance behind me, I sprinted into a narrow alleyway to my right. I kept running until I reached the garbage container in the far back. I collapsed on the ground and pressed my back against the wall. 

My breathing pattern was ragged and uneven. The ground seemed to sway under me and I knew that if I didn't do anything about the large wound on my stomach, I'd lose consciousness. I carefully drew back my hand but instantly pressed it against my skin again as a worrisome stream of blood oozed from the injury. I didn't know how much more blood I could lose before I passed out. 

Tears pricked my eyes, but I shook my head. I had to stay awake. 

I reached up a shaky hand and pressed the arc reactor on my chest to make my suit disappear. My navy blue leggings and white sports bra appeared again, even though the white bra was not so white anymore. My leggings were ripped in several places and my bra was covered in smears of blood and dirt.

My fingers grazed the pocket on my thigh, and I felt the glasses under them. I took it out and saw it was slightly cracked and one of the feet had broken off. With a tight stomach, I put them on. "F-FRIDAY?" I whispered, my voice shaky and hoarse. 

"Yes, Boss?" her voice answered and I let out a relieved breath. 

"Oh, thank God," I said, placing a hand over my mouth to mute the sobs. "FRIDAY, you have to help me. I don't know where I am, I don't know where Peter is. He could be dead and I'm bleeding, I don't-I don't know- Everything hurts, FRIDAY, please," I rambled frantically. Hot tears streamed down my face and it felt like I wasn't making any sense, but I needed help. Desperately. 

"Boss, take a breath," FRIDAY said, and I did. "Activating 'Build Something Protocol'." 

"Activating what?" 

"Hey, kid."


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