twenty-one {Arya's POV}

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"Ry..." Peter whispered before the wind took away the ashes of his body. And just like that, he was gone. 

The room around me filled with green smoke and I stumbled on my feet. "Arachnid," a voice boomed behind me and after whipping around, I saw Thanos slamming Peter into the ground, his giant purple hand around Peter's throat. 

"Leave him alone!" I shouted, shooting a blast at him, but all that came out of my hands was more green smoke. Thanos disappeared, along with Peter and I was left on my own again. 

The walls seemed to close in on me, and my breathing quickened. "Help me!" I heard Peter's voice and behind me, I saw a door. Without thinking, I sprinted through them, seeing Mysterio holding a gun to Peter's head. "Ry..." he whispered before Mysterio pulled the trigger. 

I screamed and turned around, closing my eyes and repeating to myself, "It's not real, it's not real, it's not real." 

"Is it?" Mysterio's mocking voice asked me and I felt something collide with my back. I tumbled into the dark abyss and hit the floor after a few seconds of plunging through the air. 

I coughed painfully and pushed myself up. In front of me, stood an aged tombstone. 

Anthony Edward Stark

I froze and felt my eyes water. "It's your fault he's dead. It should've been you," Mysterio told me. 

"I know," I whispered, closing my eyes. "I know!" I screamed, blasting electricity around me.  

I heard someone let out a choking sound behind me and I turned around. Skye stood across from me, holding her heavily bleeding abdomen. "Skye?" I asked shiveringly. 

She looked up. "Arya?" she mumbled before falling to the ground. I ran to catch her, but before I could even come close, I stepped over an edge and tumbled down, landing on a piece of concrete that was part of the building site. 

I blinked at the bright light and pushed myself up. I heard a crash next to me and looking to my right, I saw Peter rolling off an old car. "Peter!" I screamed, running his way.

"Ry!" he exclaimed and locked me in his arms. 

"What's going on, Peter?" I asked, fighting to hold in my sobs.

"I don't know, just stay with me," he said, tightly holding his arm around me as I clung to his middle.

I heard glass breaking and looking up, I found the sky turning black again. "Peter!" I called, tightening my grip. He was ripped from my grasp and I shouted, "No!" as I returned to the graveyard. I was surrounded by tombstones. They all read the names of the people I loved the most. Tony, Peter, Pepper, Skye, Morgan, Happy. The list didn't stop, and the more circles I turned, the more I realised new tombstones were added every time I turned. Steve, Natasha, Bruce, Clint, Thor, Wanda, Vision, Sam. The list grew and grew and I felt myself get light-headed. 

The tombstones disappeared as quickly as they had appeared and the darkness around me turned orange. "Arya?" 

I froze at the sight before me. "D-Dad?" I mustered out before flinging myself at him. "You died! What are you doing here?" I exclaimed, ugly sobs breaking apart my words as I clung to him for dear life. 

A dark chuckle sounded and I pulled back, seeing my father's face was replaced by Mysterio's evil grin. "No-" I started, only to be cut off by a knife digging into my stomach. I let out a choking breath as I stumbled backwards. I clasped my hands over the wound and found them covered in blood. "This is fake. This isn't real," I whispered.

Mysterio stood across from me, his arms crossed and a nasty smile on his face. My knees buckled and I sunk to the ground, the pain from the wound spreading to every inch of my body. 

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