twenty-five {Third Person POV}

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"Happy, we need to call Fury!" Arya shouted at Happy, who was flying the jet into England. Arya had traded her white shirt for a black skintight top as she worked on adjusting the bandages around her abdomen.

"On it!" Happy replied before dialling Fury's number. Minutes later, he came jogging toward Peter, who was waiting for their suits to finish. "He's got the coded message and your friends are at the Tower Bridge. They called it the London Bridge but I figured it out," he rambled, standing across from Peter. "I'm gonna go scoop 'em up, okay?" 

"Yeah," Peter agreed. 

"We got this, Happy, don't worry!" Arya called. She let out a hiss after she accidentally hit the wound with her finger. 

"How're the suits coming along?" Happy asked. 

"Almost done," Peter replied after throwing a glance at the two working machines. "Wait, Happy," Peter said and he dug up something from his pocket. He shortly glanced at Arya and saw she was occupied with her bandages. "Before you go, if something happens to me, can you give this to Arya after all of this is over?" he asked, holding out the Arc Reactor necklace. 

Happy took it from him, stuffing it in his pocket. "You're gonna give to her yourself," he said in a soft voice. "You've got this." 

"I got this," Peter agreed uneasily. 

"Yeah, we do," Arya said, walking up to them and Peter prayed she hadn't overheard them. 

"Okay, walk me through it," Happy said. 

"We know it's illusion tech, right? So all we have to do is get on the inside of the illusion so we can take it down, find Beck, and he's just a guy, so we can take EDITH right back," Peter told him. 

"Right..." Happy muttered. "But last time she got stabbed and you got hit by a train." 

"True, but, this time, how do I explain this... Eh..." Peter struggled to find the words. "I have like a sixth sense." 

"The Peter-Tingle," Arya beamed, grinning, and Peter rolled his eyes. 

"Oh, right, that's what you're talking about! But it's not working, though, is it?" Happy asked. "I heard it wasn't working." 

"It is working," Peter said. "Well, I don't know if it's working but-"

"Oh, good, so you got the Peter-Tingle," Happy said. "So, that's the plan. I'm gonna go get your friends, you get that Peter-Tingle back online." He walked off and Peter turned to his girlfriend with an annoyed look in his eyes. 

"I hate you," he told her. 

"No, you don't." She grinned, poking his side and pulling him close for a kiss. She hummed contently as she felt his breath stroke the skin on her cheeks. His hands found themselves on her waist as hers were on the back of his neck, playing with the curls of his hair. Her heart pounded and she realised that even though they had only been apart for a couple of hours, she had missed him terribly. 

He drew back. "How about we go on a date after all of this is over? Just you and me, we haven't done that in a long time," he said. 

Arya smiled, pecking his lips once more. "I love that idea," she said, booping his nose with her own. 

The machines behind them beeped, bringing their moment to an end. "They're done," Arya said, opening the incubator-looking compartment and she took out her suit, putting it on over her own clothes. 

Peter followed her and heaved himself in his new suit. Arya nodded approvingly. It resembled the first suit Tony had ever made for him, but this time, it was red and black instead of red and blue, and she had to admit; it looked amazing. 

"You look great," Peter commented and she jokingly twirled around, making him laugh before he put on his mask. Her suit was mostly black, but it had light blue lightning all over it that glowed dimly. Down the sides of her torso and legs ran light blue strips of fabric and a large lightning bolt was on her back and a smaller one on her chest. She felt empty without the arc reactor there, but it would be safe in Happy's pocket until she could fix it at home.

"Let's go," Peter said, opening the side hatch of the jet and crawling out. Arya activated the electromagnets in her hands and knee pads before successfully following him, sticking to the side of the quinjet.

"Alright, comms check," Happy said in her ear. "Can you hear me?" 

"I can," she replied. 

"Yeah, we can. It's just a little loud out here," Peter shouted over the howling of the wind. 

"I like the new suits." Happy said. 

"Thanks!" Peter replied. 

"Wow, guys, are you sure that's not real?" Happy asked and Arya looked ahead, seeing a giant thunder cloud over the Tower Bridge. 

"Yeah, it's just a hundred times bigger than I expected!" Peter answered, panic in his voice. 

"Pete, calm down. We've got this!" Arya called. 

"Yeah, okay, you're right," he said. "We need to get high enough so Beck doesn't see us coming." 

Happy steered the plane in an upright position, saying, "Copy. Stay sticky." The jet narrowly flew over the thunder monster. 

"Hey, Happy?" Peter asked. 

"Yeah, kid, what is it?" he answered. 

"We need to have a serious conversation about you and my aunt!" At his last word, Peter detached from the plane and fell toward the monster. 

Arya rolled her eyes and turned off the magnets, falling after him. She quickly caught up to him and started collecting electricity. While Peter could catch himself with his webs, she needed something else. Dark thunderclouds formed over their heads and this time, they were real.

As soon as Peter was close enough, he opened his web-wings and soared over the Thames toward the Tower Bridge. Arya approached the bridge too and unleashed a powerful blast of electricity to slow herself down and make sure she landed safely. She left the asphalt dented and cracked, but that didn't matter because the Elemental planned to destroy everything after all.

She jumped up and shot a blast at the ground, sending her flying into the monster right after Peter. She entered the storm and found herself in a realm of drones. She held onto one of the drones that passed and looked around. It was like a beehive in there. 

"Okay, let's get to work," Arya said, climbing on top of the drone she was holding onto and shooting down a couple of drones that flew by. Peter leapt from drone to drone, attaching them to one another with strings of webbing. 

He jumped past Arya and took the hand she held out. She fell down with him and took the webbing from him, unleashing a surge of lightning, electrocuting the drones that were connected. Arya landed on a lower drone and Peter took another as they watched the illusion fall apart. 

"There he is," Peter grumbled and Arya followed his eyes, seeing Beck standing in a glass tunnel. So much for a good hiding spot. "Go find the others and stay in contact," he called to Arya as he leapt from drone to drone toward Beck. 

"Be careful!" Arya said. 

"You too." 

She jumped down and reached the surface of the Tower Bridge. She ran in the opposite direction, going to where she agreed to meet Happy with her friends. 

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