two {Arya's POV}

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After finishing my plate of spaghetti, Peter and I decided to go through the bag of mail together. Ever since Tony's passing, Pepper and I had been receiving a crazy amount of letters, drawings, artworks, and gifts from people all over the world. I hadn't had the strength to go through them at the start of this week, but slowly, I had found myself drawn to the room where we kept the mail that had come in. I had spent multiple nights just going through as much as I could. 

I fetched the letter on top and Peter took a drawing that a four-year-old boy had made. I opened the envelope and started reading. 

Dear Pepper, Arya, and Morgan Stark,

My name is Gary. You probably don't know me, but Tony knew me. He was such a big part of my life and writing this letter feels surreal. I was Tony's biggest fan, and he was my biggest inspiration. I even based my look on him. And I got a tattoo of his face on my arm. He thought it looked like a Hispanic Scott Baio, and looking at it now, it kinda does. 

I helped him ten years ago. Wow, writing that is crazy. I can't believe it's been 10 years. 

I hope you guys are okay, and if you'll ever read this letter. I hope so. 

Anyway, I don't really know why I'm writing this letter. I already put up a memorial for Tony at my local cafe that I visit every Friday. People are adding flowers and candles, it's really nice. I'll send you a picture if you want. 

I don't know who's reading this, but can you say hi to Arya for me? That girl has more strength in her than her dad ever did. I've watched every one of her speeches and I really wanna go to her next one, but it's a bit far away. I live in Tennessee, so maybe she could have a speech there. I don't know. 

Well, I guess that was it. I hope this reaches the Stark family and if not, that's fine too. 


I smiled softly, wiping a stray tear from my cheek. I felt Peter's hand on my knee and I looked up, seeing him smile sympathetically at me. 

The sound of his phone ringing broke the thick silence in the air and Peter jumped up to answer it. "Hi, May," he chimed. "Yeah, that's fine. No, we'll be okay. Yeah, I know, don't worry. I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight. Yes, May. I know. Goodnight." 

I giggled softly as he put down the phone with a roll of his eyes. "What was that about?" I asked as he plopped back down on the couch. I straightened my legs and dumped them in his lap. 

"May has to stay for a night shift; someone called in sick so she'll be home tomorrow morning, meaning we get the house to ourselves tonight. What do you want to d-" before he could finish his sentence, I had captured his lips with my own. He let out a noise of surprise before leaning in and taking the sides of my face in his hands. 

My heart thumped in my chest as I swung my legs over his, settling down in his lap. His hands travelled down to my waist. My hands were in his hair as I kept my eyes closed. I felt the huffs of air leaving his nose against my skin and my heart fluttered. 

"Take off your shirt," I breathed.

"Y-You sure?" Peter muttered and I heard the shiver in his voice, something that always happened when things got heated between us.

Instead of replying, I took the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head. Mine soon followed until both of us were in our underwear.

I hadn't felt this alive in years. My skin was on fire, my heart was pounding and for the first time since I could remember, I wasn't thinking of everything I had been through.

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