ten {Peter's POV}

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As Arya ran off, a wave of relief washed over me. The last thing I wanted was for her to get hurt. 

But I had another task to fulfil. Fighting the giant water-man that threatened to destroy all of Venice. But first, I had to find a way so I wouldn't be recognised. Looking around, my eyes searched for something to hide my identity. I spotted something and after placing the decorated, blue mask on my face, I figured it would do for now.

The Doctor Strange look-alike continued to shoot blasts at the water monster, but the monster was stronger and the mysterious man was thrown aside. He skidded over the water and disappeared from my view. The monster summoned large tornadoes of water that erupted from the Canal. The Mystery-Man returned and continued shooting green blasts while he flew around the monster, trying to dodge its attacks. 

In that minute the monster was distracted, I could get up on the bridge. When the Mystery-Man was close enough, I shouted, "Excuse me, sir! I can help, let me help! I'm really strong and I'm... sticky!" I instantly regretted choosing that last word, but we didn't have time to unpack that.

"I need to lead it away from the Canal!" the man shouted back, his voice distorted by his helmet. He flew off through the opening in the bridge, trying to lure the monster with him. 

It worked. The monster moved toward where the man was headed, ignoring the fact that the bridge was in its path. Its watery limbs smashed through the bricks like it was nothing as the monster made its way through the bridge to the other side. The Mystery-Man was followed by a trail of green smoke, which was easy for the monster to follow. 

I jumped on top of the roof of one of the houses on the side as I followed the pair through the tighter canals. I webbed the wall that came thundering down to the house it originally belonged to without much trouble as I continued my quest to defeat the monster. 

As I leapt over a house, I spotted part of the group I was here with, along with Arya. She had found the others. For that I was happy. What I was less happy about, was the fact that they were only seconds away from being blasted by the water monster.

The monster bashed the side of a clock tower, and it trembled as a large crack appeared along the middle. I sprinted to the edge and jumped across, covering the crack in a spray of webbing to keep the tower together. 

Arya looked over her shoulder as she ran with the group and nodded, frowning at the sight of my mask. I waved it off, mouthing, "Go!" 

I landed on top of the tower and overlooked the situation. Mystery-Man never stopped his rain of blasts as he dodged the monster's continuous attacks. One of the water blasts hit the tower and it trembled heavily. I realised I had to do something. 

I shot a web at two adjacent buildings, one to my right and one to my left. I held the webs tightly in my hands as I tried to keep the tower from thundering down. But unfortunately, luck wasn't on my side today. Mystery-Man was hit by a blast and collided with the side of the tower, causing me to shoot forward and hit my head on the bell. A loud clanging sounded as I dropped to the floor, still holding onto the webs. 

One web broke off, and I shot forward. I planted my feet against the floor and rose up, only to hit my head again on the other side of the bell. I blinked heavily as my head pounded and stars danced in front of my eyes. 

But I had to do something. This tower was not going to stay standing, so I shot two new webs at the buildings to keep the tower up.

Accompanied by a troubled scream, I slowly lowered the tower to the ground, but at the last couple of feet, the Mystery-Man had defeated the Water Monster, and a blast of water hit the tower and broke my webs. The tower dropped to the ground, with me still inside. My body hit the floor and my vision went dark.

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