twenty-nine {Arya's POV}

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"Okay, we've got everything, right?" Pepper asked for the fourth time. 

I laughed, shaking my head at her. "Yeah, Pep, we've got it all. We went over it three times already. Let's just go or we'll miss our flight," I told her. 

"It's a private jet. It won't leave without us," she pointed out, rummaging through her already messy suitcase. "Where did I put my passport?"

I rolled my eyes before holding up the passport she was looking for. "You gave it to me, remember?" I said. 

She sighed, grumbling a few words under her breath as she snatched it from my hand, stuffing it in her bag. "Morgan, we're leaving! Are you ready?" Pepper called through the apartment and Morgan hobbled into the room the next second, holding her bright purple backpack. 

"I'm ready," she said as she clutched her stuffed bunny close to her chest. 

"Come on. Happy's waiting downstairs." I held out my hand for her and she took it in hers. We travelled downstairs and placed our suitcases in the back of the car. Happy drove us to the airport where the Parkers were already waiting for us. I greeted Peter with a kiss and May with a hug. 

"Packed your suit?" I asked my boyfriend with a wink and he rolled his eyes, chuckling softly. 

"Did you?" he asked. 

"Touché," I said and I took his hand in mine. "Okay, let's get going." 

Happy led us to one of the tarmacs where Dad's private jet was already waiting for us. We clambered inside after putting our luggage in the back of the jet. I settled down next to Peter while Pepper sat down with May and Happy. Morgan sat down in the seat across from mine and nervously played with the ears of her stuffed bunny.

"You okay, Squirt?" I asked her and she nodded. "Wanna sit with me?" She looked up and unbuckled her seatbelt. She jumped out of her seat before she climbed into Peter's lap, sitting down with her back against his chest. Peter chuckled before strapping them both in, wrapping his arms around the small girl and resting his chin on top of her head.

"Can we watch a movie?" Morgan asked. 

"Of course, what do you want to watch?" I asked, taking my tablet from my backpack. 

"Star Wars!" she cheered, making both of us laugh. I decided to put on Episode I, thinking it was the most child-friendly movie in the saga. 

Shortly after the jet took off, Morgan drifted off to sleep and Peter and I finished the movie together. Afterwards, we decided to catch some sleep ourselves. 

Seven hours later, the jet landed on Charles De Gaulle, the airport of Paris. The sun was shining brightly when we exited the arrivals hall. Happy drove us to the hotel in the van we rented. After checking in, we parted ways to explore our rooms. Peter and I shared a room, Morgan was with Pepper, and May and Happy each had their own rooms. 

I jumped onto the bed and sunk right into the fluffy sheets. I took the leaflet from the nightstand and even though my French wasn't that good, I managed to make out a few things. "They have a gym, a spa, a restaurant and a bar. Ooh, and a rooftop cafe. We should check that out," I informed Peter. He planted himself next to me, leaning his chin on my shoulder to read along. 

"Yeah, definitely," he said, pressing a kiss to my cheek. 

"You're cuddly today," I noticed as he wrapped me in his arms. 

"Oh, yeah? You complaining?" he chimed. 

I giggled. "Of course not." I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck and closed my eyes for a second, humming contently. "You know what?" I asked.


"I'm really happy you're here, Pete. And that's you're okay," I muttered. 

He hugged me close. "Yeah, me too." 

I sat up after a few minutes of comfortable silence. "Okay, let's go. I think we can use some dinner. I'm starving," I said. 

Peter groaned dramatically. "Can't we just stay in bed and order room service?" he asked. 

I giggled. "We promised May we'd come," I reminded him and he sighed. 

"Yeah, you're right," he said, sitting up and dragging himself out of bed. 

"When am I not?" I asked, grinning. 

He rolled his eyes but laughed nonetheless. We changed from our travelling clothes into more appropriate outfits and went downstairs where we met the others to go to dinner. 


"I'm never leaving this place," I sighed contently, leaning my forearms on the railing as I looked out over Paris. The soft breeze played with my hair and I felt the sun on my skin. 

Peter chuckled. "We've still got our senior year to finish. And then, who knows? MIT?" he said.

"I already sent in my application. I've got an interview at the end of the summer," I told him and his eyes widened. 

"Really? Ry, that's great!" he exclaimed, wrapping me in a tight hug. I giggled. 

"What about you?" I asked after he had let me go.

He sighed, leaning forward and taking my hand in his. "I think MIT too, if that's alright with you," he said. 

I smiled. "Of course it is. I'd love to have you around," I said. "What's wrong? You don't sound excited." 

"I just don't want this time to end," he said softly, looking down at our intertwined hands. "I've got you, Ned, Skye, MJ, Luke. Everyone else. I don't want that to disappear when we graduate." 

"Pete, listen to me. You will never lose us. We're a team and we're gonna stick together, even when we graduate and go our separate ways. I talked with Skye the other day and she wants to go to Harvard since Luke's already there, so they'll be close. MJ will stay in touch whether we like it or not, she's not going anywhere. And Ned's probably gonna follow us to MIT," I told him. "Really, Peter. We're in this together." 

He smiled at me before pulling me close. "Thank you," he said. "I love you." 

"I love you too," I chimed, pressing a sweet kiss to his lips. "Let's have an amazing Senior year." 

"Yeah, let's do that," he agreed. "And let's get some Beef Bourguignon." 

I giggled. "Lead the way, Mr Parker." He held out his hand for me and I took it in mine. 

"This way, Ms Stark." 

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