thirty {Arya's POV}

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An old rerun of Friends was playing on the tv, but neither of us was really paying attention to it. Peter was working on his college application while I was writing the speech I was going to give at Stark Industries at the end of the week. The two fans in the room were doing their best to cool the sticky air, but even at full speed, it was insanely hot. Even France hadn't been this hot. 

"I can't believe Summer is almost over," I said with a huff. 

"Me neither. I could've spent a few more weeks in France," Peter answered. "How's the speech coming along?" 

I blew out a breath through my nose. "It's too hot for me to think," I said, brushing my brown curls up in a messy ponytail. A few curls escaped and stuck to the back of my neck.

"Yeah, same," he said before sitting up. "Okay, come on. I have an idea." He clambered out of bed, shutting my laptop. 

"Pete, we have work to do," I objected. 

"I don't care. You said it yourself; it's too hot to think," he said. "And I happen to know the perfect way to cool down." 

Before I could protest any more, he left the room and came back seconds later, holding both our suits. He tossed mine in my direction and I was barely in time to catch it. "Pete, what are you doing?" I asked with a chuckle. 

"We're gonna go for a swing," he said with a wink, stripping down to his underwear before putting on his newly restored black and red suit. 

I rolled my eyes but smiled nonetheless. I got out of bed and changed into my suit as well. I slid open the window of my room and Peter got out. I followed behind and jumped down, Peter catching me midair. Since Pepper, Morgan and I lived on the fortieth floor of the apartment complex, it was easy for me and Peter to leave without having to go down the I-don't-even-know-how-many stairs. 

The wind that blew past us as we swung through the air cooled me down instantly and I gladly breathed in as I clutched onto Peter. I closed my eyes and rested my head in the crook of his neck, smiling as I felt his arm tighten around me. 

The streets of New York were bustling and everywhere I looked, I saw people walking, cycling, jogging, driving, shopping, talking, and enjoying the Summer sun. 

"Wanna get something to eat? We haven't had lunch yet," Peter asked after a few minutes. 

"Sure. What did you have in mind?"


"Sounds great-AH!" I started, only to be cut off by my own yelp as Peter dropped me and left me tumbling through the air for a good second before he caught me again, laughing amusedly. "I hate it when you do that," I said with a pout. 

"I know, that's what makes it so fun," he cackled and I punched his arm. 

"You're mean," I said. He just laughed before continuing to swing us to Delmar's shop in Queens. "Hey, isn't that Skye?" I said as we turned a corner. 

"Pretty sure it is," Peter answered, lowering us so we could land. He placed me on the sidewalk right in front of Skye before he lowered himself from a string of web that he had stuck to the street light. Skye's eyes widened in surprise before she smiled. "Well, isn't this a nice surprise," she beamed. 

"Good afternoon, random New Yorker," I chimed, casually leaning against the street light. 

"Good afternoon, Static Shade- I mean, Electric Shadow," she joked with a wink and I laughed shortly, shaking my head. "What are you up to?" 

"Oh, just getting lunch at our favourite deli after spending our entire morning doing superhero stuff," Peter answered with a shrug, draping his arm around my shoulders. 

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