seven {Third Person POV}

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The movie Brad and Arya had been watching for the past two hours came to an end and Arya unplugged her headphones. The sun had started to go under a while back and it was close to becoming completely dark outside. 

She zipped open her backpack and took out the book she had brought. She could feel Brad's eyes on her the entire time but she decided not to say anything about it. She put Tony's glasses in their case in her bag and she flipped to the first page of her book, trying her hardest to read whatever words the letters in front of her formed, but Brad's burning gaze prevented her from fully focusing. 

She glanced to her left and questioned with an amused undertone, "Can I help you?" 

Brad's cheeks flushed as he muttered, "No, sorry. I was just..." 

When he didn't finish his sentence, she asked, "You were just what?"

He sighed softly. "Did you get to say goodbye before your dad died?" 

That question caused a shiver to run down Arya's spine. "Why would you ask that?" she mustered out almost inaudibly, her voice cracking along the way. 

"I didn't mean it like that, I'm just worried about you." 

"Well, you're not the only one," she said rather harshly before she turned back to her book.

Brad still wouldn't look away and Arya could just feel how he wanted to talk more. "I just wonder how you're handling it all so well," he said softly. 

Arya exhaled deeply through her nose before closing her book and turning to Brad. "I don't really like talking about it, as you can imagine, so I would appreciate it if you dropped  it, okay?" 

"Yeah, I understand. Sorry. It's just- There are so many questions about how he died and I wonder if it's all true. I thought that-"

"That what? Just because I'm his daughter I know every aspect of how he died?" Arya snapped coldly. 

"Why are you getting so worked up? I was only asking," Brad said. "It's not like you were there so at least you don't have to deal with that." 

Flashes of Tony's pale, hollow cheeks shot by before Arya's eyes. The flickering light of the Arc Reactor under her palm followed. The stench of burning flesh and smoke filled her nose, turning her stomach. 

"I'm sorry, Arya," her father's words echoed in her mind, making her head pound. 

A few seats to the back of the plane, Peter looked up as the lights of the plane started to flicker. He frowned before searching for his girlfriend. He found her head of brown hair next to Brad and this only added to his worries. 

Arya clenched her fists as she vaguely heard Brad calling her name. She completely ignored him as she fought to keep the electricity and her dinner inside her body.

But when that didn't work, she stumbled to her feet and while clasping her hand over her mouth, she darted to the bathroom. Luckily, it wasn't taken. 

Even though Peter was stuck between two sleeping passengers, one of them being Mr Harrington, he used his powers to stick to the ceiling to escape and he rushed after Arya.

She slammed the door shut and fell over the toilet, heaving up every bit of food she had eaten during the day. The sour stench only made things worse but after what felt like an eternity, she felt empty enough and weakly fell against the wall of the bathroom stall while fighting back sobs. 

"Arya, are you okay?" Brad called from outside but the last thing she wanted was to see him. His words kept bouncing through her head no matter how hard she fought not to think of them. She felt as if someone had ripped a hole in her chest and left a gaping void where her heart had been.

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