bonus chapter three {Third Person POV}

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Arya bounced on her feet as she waited outside the Parkers' apartment after knocking on the door. She heard May call for her nephew to open the door and a few seconds later, Peter pulled open the front door. An instant smile appeared on his face when he saw Arya holding a chocolate cupcake with a singular candle on it. 

"Hi," she beamed. "Happy birthday." 

He grinned, leaning in to greet her with a kiss. "Thank you." After stepping aside to let her into the apartment, he closed the door behind her. "I thought I gave you a key." 

"You did, but that would've made the surprise a whole lot less fun," she said, shrugging as she took off her shoes. She handed the cupcake to Peter. "For you." 

"Aw, thank you. Did you make this?" he asked, taking a huge bite out of it and staining the area around his mouth in chocolate frosting. 

"I did. With a little help from Pepper. Oh, she and Morgan said to wish you a happy birthday." She wiped off the access frosting from his chin and licked it off her finger. "Hm, I did a pretty good job at that frosting." 

 "You certainly did," Peter agreed, nodding. "May's in the kitchen." 

Arya travelled into the apartment and into the kitchen. "Hi, May," she said cheerily as she entered. May was hunched over the counter, decorating what appeared to be a lopsided cake.

"Hi, honey, can you help me out real quick?" May said. 

"Sure, what do you need?" Arya asked as she tied her hair up into a bun to keep it from falling into the cake. 

"Can you get a spatula from the drawer? My hands are covered in frosting." May held up her hands to show them covered in red and blue frosting. 

Arya giggled before getting the spatula May needed and handing it to her. "I'm almost afraid to ask but what is the cake supposed to be?" she asked, leaning against the counter. 

"A Spider-Man cake. Don't you see the spider on the front?" May said, proudly motioning to the not symmetrical cake decorated with blue and red frosting and black icing. 

"Oh, right. I see it now!" Arya said, hoping to fool May into thinking she did in fact see the Spider-Man theme. "It looks great, May." 

"Thank you," she beamed. "Since you're the only one stopping by today, I thought this little reference couldn't hurt." 

"I agree, but I thought Ned was coming too."

"He was, but he texted Peter this morning to tell him that he's down with the flu," May said with a shrug. 

"Oh, that's too bad. Poor Ned," Arya replied, scrunching her nose. 

May nodded. "Do you and Peter have plans? Because I thought it would be nice for the three of us to go out for dinner tonight." 

"I haven't told him yet but I'm taking him to the fair down in Brooklyn, but we should be back before dinner," Arya said. A faint shade of red coloured May's cheeks and Arya frowned. "Is that okay?" 

"Oh, yeah, totally. You kids go have fun," she said quickly, smiling a little too widely. "I actually thought of going to the fair myself, so I might see you there later on." 

"Okay," Arya agreed while chuckling. She travelled back to the living room where she found Peter on the couch, flipping through a photo album. She sat down on the armrest and looked over his shoulder. She couldn't help but run her fingers through his hair which was particularly fluffy today. Probably because he hadn't done anything to it yet. "Is that you?" She pointed at the little boy in one of the pictures. 

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