twenty-four {Third Person POV}

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Arya took Peter's arm around her neck and helped him hobble into the quinjet where he sank down in one of the seats. "Stay here," she ordered, fetching the emergency kit from the cockpit.

She sat down behind Peter in the seat and pulled out a thread and needle. "I used all the anaesthetic so you're gonna have to do without. Is that okay?" she asked him.

"It's fine, just get it over with," he muttered, clenching his jaw as he felt the needle puncture the skin of his neck. He suppressed the urge to groan, but when she tugged at the thread, he let out an, "Ouch."

"Sorry," Arya said quietly, halting her movements for a bit.

"I thought you had superstrength," Happy commented.

"It still hurts," Peter told him, keeping his eyes on the glass of water in front of him.

The needle pierced his skin again and he hissed, "Ry, please."

"I'm almost done," she muttered. "Just one more."

The next time Peter felt the needle prick the back of his neck, she went a little too deep with it, and a jolt of pain shot down Peter's spine. "Oh, my God, Arya!" he exclaimed, slamming his fist on the table.

"Relax!" Happy shot back.

"Don't tell me to relax, Happy!" Peter shouted, ripping away from Arya and jumping to his feet. "How can I relax when I messed up so bad?" He breathed heavily and shakily. "I trusted Beck, right? I thought he was my friend so I gave him the only thing that Mr Stark left behind for me and now he's gonna kill my friends and half of Europe so please, do not tell me to relax." 

Arya felt her heart break and she wiped away the stray tear that trickled down her cheek. She put down the thread and needle and stood up, kneeling down in front of Peter who had sunk down in a chair and sniffed. She placed her hand on his knee and he looked up. 

She smiled softly, wiping away the tears from his cheeks. He let out a breath. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled," he said softly. "I just really miss him." 

"We miss him too," Happy said quietly, nodding solemnly. 

Arya sat down next to him and he rested his head on her shoulder, sighing deeply. "Everywhere I go, I see his face. I see him in you, in Morgan, and the whole world is asking who is gonna be the next Iron Man and..." His voice faltered and Arya rubbed his back as heartbroken sobs came from her boyfriend. "And I don't know if that's me. I'm not Iron Man." 

"No, you're not Iron Man," Arya said. "You're never gonna be Iron Man." Peter let out a shaky sigh. "Nobody can live up to Dad. Not even Dad. For as long as I knew him, he was a piping hot mess. He got into fights he shouldn't get into, he invited terrorists to his house, he made robots that wanted to destroy the world. He second-guessed everything he did because he always wanted to do what was right. 

"But there were two times where he didn't second-guess himself. Do you know when?" Arya told Peter and he shook his head shortly. "Adopting me and picking you." He smiled lightly and swallowed with trouble. "He was the one that brought us together and he was so sure about us being a good team." 

"I don't think Tony would've done what he did if he didn't know you two were gonna be there after he was gone," Happy added. "And now your friends are in trouble, you're all alone and your tech is missing. What are you gonna do about it?" 

Peter hesitated before he rose to his feet, pulling Arya with him. "We're gonna kick his ass," he said, squeezing Arya's hand in his own.

"No, I mean, like, right now. Specifically, what are we gonna do? Because we've been hovering over a tulip field for the last fifteen minutes," Happy said. 

"Right, ehm..." Peter muttered. "I can't call my friends 'cause he's tracking their phones. Happy, give me your phone," he said, holding out his hand. 

"M-My cellphone?" Happy asked. 

"Yeah," Peter confirmed and Happy placed the device in Peter's hand. Peter opened it and asked, "What's your password?" 

"Password," Happy said. 

"No, what is your password?" Peter asked.

"Password. The word spelt out, password," Happy said. 

"Hap, you're the head of security and your password is 'password'?" Arya asked him. 

"I don't feel good about it either," Happy said quickly. 

Peter rolled his eyes and unlocked Happy's phone, going straight to Instagram to check Flash's profile. He clicked on his live stream and they were met with Flash with a terrible British accent that said, "'Ello, governah, cuppa tea for you!" 

"They're in London!" Peter said, showing the phone to Happy.

"London, okay," Happy said, jumping up and rushing to the cockpit. 

"Hap, we need suits," Arya called after him.

He stopped, turning around and pointing a finger at them. "Suits?" He pressed a button on the ceiling and behind them, a small tech lab opened. 

"Wow," Arya breathed before shortly glancing at Peter. He smiled in admiration before they rushed into the lab. Peter scanned his hand and entered the hardware. 

"Okay, ehm..." he muttered, pausing shortly. "Bring up everything you have on 'Spider-Man'." 

The computer went to work and several design plans for Spider-Man suits were brought up. Peter selected one and started to do what he loved to do; working on something.

Arya folded her arms and turned to Happy, smiling. "What?" Peter asked them. 

Happy smiled too. "Nothing. You take care of the suits, I'll take care of the music," he said, entering the cockpit and pressing play on the music. 

AC/DC's Back In Black started to play, and Arya nodded her head along with the beat. 

"Oh, I love Led Zeppelin!" Peter shouted excitedly and Arya giggled, shaking her head. 

The quinjet took off. "So, Pete, what's our play?" Arya asked her boyfriend as he continued working. 

"We need to find a way to disable the drones. As long as Beck has access to the drones, he is dangerous," he said, searching for his webshooters. Arya stood next to him and pointed at the shooters as soon as they came into view. He adjusted the formula of the web fluid. 

"How about you connect all the drones with webbing and I electrocute them. Your webs can stand electricity and we've seen what they do together," Arya suggested. 

"I like that," Peter said. She walked up to the second working station. She opened the file on her own suits and picked the suit that resembled her first one, but she altered it slightly. "Any ideas for the colour scheme?" Peter asked. 

She stepped up next to him and puckered her lips. "How about these?" she asked, pointing at two colours. He made an approving noise and selected the two colours before letting the machine do the work. 

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