five {Arya's POV}

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"Did you pack socks?" I asked Peter as he was rummaging through his suitcase to see if he had packed his formal clothing in case we decided to go out on our trip. I was slouched on his bed, playing a dumb game I had found on his phone. My phone was in the living room and I did not feel like getting up to get it. Both of us were still in our pyjamas as we had woken up about two hours ago. 

"Nope. Thanks," he mumbled, pulling out the large container that was under his bed. 

"Fury's calling again," I announced as the game disappeared to make room for the unknown caller-ID that we knew belonged to Nick Fury. 

"Ignore," we said simultaneously as I pressed the red button. 

Peter fetched a couple of socks from the container and sniffed them. I scrunched up my nose and he rolled his eyes. "That's how I know they're clean."

"I'm sure there are other ways to find out if socks are clean but okay," I laughed. He tossed them at me and I put them in the suitcase that had once been neat and organised but was now a terrible mess. 

Peter rose to his feet and turned to his open closet, eyeing the red and blue Spider-Man suit. Not the Nanotech one, but the first one Tony had made for him. For a second, I could see how he was deciding on whether or not to bring it.

Through the open bedroom door, May entered. "Hungry?" she asked, tossing two bananas our way. My powers were triggered and a tiny lightning bolt shot from my palm and hit the banana mid-air. It was fully blackened and dropped to the floor before it could even come close to me.

Unfortunately, Peter didn't have a defence mechanism like mine, so his banana hit him right in the face. 

May's jaw dropped before she let out a laugh. "I'm so sorry," she giggled. "I thought that you could sense that with your..." She pondered for a second. "Peter-Tingle!" 

A laugh escaped my lips but quickly shut up as Peter sent me a glare. "Please, do not start calling it my Peter-Tingle," he pleaded with his aunt. 

"So what's up? You can dodge bullets but not bananas? Don't you have something like this?" She picked up my black banana, holding it up. 

"Sorry 'bout that," I muttered. "That's a new thing my powers developed since the battle." 

"Don't worry, honey. Next time, I'll make sure to announce the bananas," she joked and I smiled appreciatively. 

"We just really need this vacation," Peter said. "I need a break." 

"I know," May cooed, holding out her hand to me and pulling me off the bed before engulfing both of us in a tight hug. "I'm gonna go to work. I'll be back before I need to bring you to the airport. Arya, you can drive with us if you want?" she asked.

"No, that's okay. Happy, Pepper and Morgan are taking me," I said. 

"Oh, alright." She nodded before turning away. Not a second later, she turned back. "You know what? You should pack your suits, just in case," she told us. "I have a tingle about it." 

Peter groaned. "Please stop saying tingle, May!" he called after her as she left the room. 

He shut the door of his closet before glancing at the Nanotech casing that was set up in the corner of his room. He then harshly turned away and closed his suitcase. We heard the front door of the apartment close and we knew we were alone for the next couple of hours. 

Our flight was leaving at 8 pm, so we had to be at the airport at 6. Happy was picking me up earlier so we could get Pepper, Morgan and, not to forget, my luggage from our new apartment in the centre of Queens. After living at the cabin in the woods outside New York City for five years, Pepper, Morgan and I had gotten a new apartment in Queens so I get to school easier and Pepper could retake her position at Stark Industries. Also, Morgan was starting Kindergarten next school year. 

"All done?" I asked Peter as he zipped his suitcase shut. 

"Yeah, I think so," he nodded, looking around his room. I made an approving noise before folding my arms across my chest. He picked up his suitcase and carried it to the front door, where he put it down. 

From behind, I wrapped my arms around him and he gladly leaned into me. "I'm really glad you're coming along," he mumbled softly, turning around so he could put his own arms around me. His thumbs stroked my back as he gazed down at me with a loving look in his eyes. 

"Yeah, me too." I smiled before he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. 

"Wanna watch a movie?" Peter asked, pulling back. 

"Sure, did you have anything in mind?" I said, dropping myself on the couch. 

"Star Wars?" he said hopefully. 

I chuckled. "Sure. Fanboy." 

"Shut up," he laughed, before pulling one of the first Star Wars movies from the shelf and placing it in the DVD player. 

He sat down next to me and pulled me close. I giggled, cuddling into him. The movie commenced and for two hours, I was pulled from my own reality as I travelled to a galaxy far, far away.


"I forgot how much I loved these movies," I sighed dreamily as the end credits of the second movie we watched started to play. 

"How long has it been since you watched them?" Peter questioned. 

"Five years. I couldn't get myself to put them on because they reminded me of you too much," I answered, shrugging lightly. Peter smiled, planting a kiss on my temple. 

I glanced at the clock on the wall. "We should get ready. Happy'll be here in a bit." 

We changed out of our pyjamas and I tried to fix my hair in the bathroom but eventually had to resort to putting it in a messy half-updo. "I hate that I'm not sitting next to you on the plane," Peter spoke up and I turned around, seeing him leaning against the doorpost with a grin as he watched me.

"Me too. Imagine all the Star Wars we could've watched," I joked, continuing to fix my appearance. Peter chuckled before leaving me be. I tried to make myself look a bit more awake by applying some concealer under my eyes, but I still looked horribly sleep-deprived. I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror. 

There were three knocks on the front door and I perked up. I listened as Peter opened the door and greeted Happy before letting him in. "Arya, Happy's here!" he then proceeded to call.

"I'll be out in a minute!" I replied. I finished up getting ready before heading to the living room, greeting Happy with a smile. 

"Ready?" Happy asked. 

"Yep. Let's get going," I said, heaving the backpack I had brought with me on my shoulder before turning to Peter. "See you in a bit," I chimed, kissing him longer than I probably should in front of Happy, but I didn't care. 

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