six {Third Person POV}

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The entire ride to the airport, Morgan Stark was clinging to her big sister's arm, refusing to let go. Arya was even forced to carry her into the building. Pepper walked beside her as Morgan looked around in awe. Happy was trailing behind them, carrying Arya's backpack and suitcase. 

"So if I want to, I can go anywhere in the world here?" Morgan asked, looking at the tall ceiling.

"Absolutely. And one day, we're gonna go on a trip together. How does that sound?" Arya suggested. 

"Yes!" Morgan exclaimed, hugging Arya's neck even tighter. In the distance, Arya could spot her class standing huddled up on the side of the main hall of the airport. Skye waved excitedly and Arya walked over, her family following her. 

As soon as Morgan laid eyes on Peter, she shouted, "Peter!" 

"Hey, Morgan!" Peter greeted her happily, taking her from Arya's arms to give her a hug.

Arya greeted her other friends with short hugs before putting her luggage with that of the others. She let their teacher, Mr Harrington, know she had arrived and he crossed her off his list. "We'll be leaving in ten minutes, so you gotta say goodbye to your family," he informed her. 

Arya nodded, already feeling her heart drop. She had dreaded this moment ever since the trip was announced because leaving for Europe, meant saying goodbye to the three people she considered her family. Especially Morgan.

She walked back to her group and found Peter playing a game with her sister. "It's time to say bye, Squirt," Arya muttered, taking Morgan back from Peter. 

"But I wanna go with you," Morgan pouted, wrapping her arms tightly around Arya's neck. "Last time you left, Daddy didn't come back." This sent a lump to Arya's throat but after feeling Peter put his hand on her lower back, she calmed down. 

"I know, Morgan. But I promise you that I'll come back. And I'll bring you a souvenir, I promise," Arya said. "Plus, Mommy and I agreed to call every night before you go to bed so I can tell you a bedtime story. How's that?"

"No. I wanna go with you," Morgan said plainly, refusing to let go. Arya sent Pepper a pleading look, silently asking her to help her out. 

Arya and Pepper had already said goodbye at home, because both of them knew Morgan was going to cause a scene, resulting in them not being able to say goodbye properly. 

"Morgan, honey. Come on, Arya and Peter are gonna be late for their trip." Pepper took her daughter back but Morgan began to cry. 

"No, I don't want you to go!" she called out but Arya forced herself to stay strong and ignore her. She said a quick goodbye to Pepper and Happy before Peter pulled her with him. She fought back the tears as she heard Morgan calling for her as they passed through the check-in. 

She put all her belongings in the white tray as the other suitcases were taken to the luggage drop-off by Mr Dell, the other teacher that was coming on this trip. Peter's hand didn't leave hers and that was the only thing that was keeping her together. 

They got through check-in without a problem and about two hours later, their flight was boarding. Arya held her plane ticket in one hand and the other was clasped around the strap of her bag as she looked for her seat. She knew she was sitting beside Skye, so they searched together. "There!" the redhead called, pointing at the seats behind Mr Harrington and Mr Dell. 

"Yo, Parker!" She heard a voice shout behind her and she glanced over her shoulder, finding Flash Thompson standing in the other aisle with a glass of champagne in his hands. "This is called an airplane. It's like the buses you're used to, except these fly over the poor neighbourhoods instead of driving through them." 

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