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It was fucking 10 in the morning and her boss had fired yet another one of his assistant. Emma was scratching her scalp thinking his boss was one hell of a grump. And now she had to find him another assistant because a boss of an international multimillion company can't go assistant-less now, can he?

Emma saw Crystal leave the office building with tears in her eyes and was was looking like a raccoon after her mascara had smudged around her eyes.

Emma huffs, now she had to find her grump boss another assistant which she had been doing since last 2 years after Mr.Christopher James Langford stepped down as CEO and handed the company to his son, Jeremy Langford. 

Jeremy Langford was one hell of a boss to the employee of the company, fucking two years and more than 20+ assistants were fired because a small mistake and he rains hell on them. On the lucky note, Emma was the only lady her boss could tolerate as an employee. 

Her boss had fired many of those assistants as they were trying to flirt and getting handsy and it disgusts him. Though simplicity was one of his personality trait, he would be rarely seen interacting with others let alone allow someone get near him. Was there a reason to this, Emma thought. 

She knocks on her boss' door and walks in after a 'come in' is heard. "Boss, what was the reason now?", she asks casually knowing that her boss was friendly to her to some extent yet she respected the boundaries. Jeremy doesn't looks up form the papers he's been analyzing for last half an hour and responds, "Emma, how would you feel when someone tries to kiss Samantha?" 

Emma had heard this many times, she huffs and gives a bored reply, "I would tie that person to a pole and set him and his lips on fire." "well, same", comes Jeremy's voice. Emma was habituated with Jeremy using her girlfriend's name combined with weird metaphors on to the reason of him firing his assistants. 

"Do you want me to find another one?", she asks. He nods, "make sure you find someone who is married, engaged or have kids, I don't want any more single female specimen trying to stick their tongues down my throat. I have shit ton of papers that need to go through one check before coming to me."

This was more than 30th time Emma was hearing this.

Emma nods and leaves the office without any other word. As much she had always analyzed her boss' statements and came to one single conclusion, it was impossible to find someone like that as why would someone married want to have the shit ton of workload her boss mentioned, not to mention kids need their mothers.

Maybe she should find her boss a male assistant, she thought. 

But again there weren't many male applicants to the job of an assistant to a boss. She went through the list again and banged her head on her desk lightly. The same headache of finding an suitable assistant to her boss, she finds one suitable and that turns out to be disaster according to her boss. 

Fishing her phone out from the pocket of her jeans, she calls her girlfriend Samantha. Samantha picks up the phone and hears a tired sigh and says, "let me guess, assistant issue!" Emma replies, "Sammy, I need new suggestions on how to find a proper assistant to my boss as it is more difficult than finding a bride for him."

Sam laughs, "Do this thing, go through the list and find someone who has less experience and has not studied from some famous high school or college, my stats say they are more humble and adjustable."

Emma huffs, "Sammy why didn't you tell me this earlier, you could've saved me so much headache!" "hey, it came to my mind just now, also I had read this thing some where so I thought maybe it can help", comes Samantha's voice. 

Emma talks about one more minute with Samantha and hangs up after some 'love you's. She opens her laptop and searches for the list. As per Samantha's idea she filters 4-5 names.

Patrica Rolland
Kenna Jiovani
Jenna Avery
Layla Kendall
Elizabeth Perezie

She mails them as well as places call to all of them in a hurry. The only sentence she says is, "You've been selected to the job of an assistant, please check your mail and be on time for interview", and hangs up. 

Little did she knew that she made a minor mistake while placing the last call. Changed a god dam digit in hurry and the call went to a person it wasn't supposed to go, because if her boss found out about that and saw the person, he wouldn't hesitate to fire her as well. 

But the storm waits for all as the interview was going to be conducted the next week. 

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