Untitled Part 1

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Levi's POV

It's been many years since I left my home country and started a journey. It was my choice to travel around the world since I have nothing really to call home or no relatives to be with. Getting the opportunity to see many of the beautiful and unique sights with my accompanist, Jean. We met while I was on my way to America to meet a college of mine, Erwin. I've never been to America before and I brought him along as my horse to lead the way since he knew the language better than I.

There was also the exasperating Hanji, since she's a shitty person I called her Shitty-glasses. As simple as that. I know it's not the nicest thing to call someone, the least she can do is stop calling me Shorty. I swear if we didn't grew up in the same area together, have ties to my deepest secrets, and hasn't made any attempts to kill me yet, I would of killed her by now.

Anyways, God she gives me headaches. Like almost all the time, maybe it might develop into a tumor inside my brain. We the 'trio' are currently on our way to Germany this time. The reason why is because Jean has met someone over our trip in America since our first visit. Unfortunately, he lives in Belgium and we were heading to Japan before the schedule changed. Now we're going to Japan afterwards so that they cab bid each other a farewell. That was then, this is now.

Since they've been keeping a long-distance relationship Jean told him that we're on their way to Nördlingen, Bavaria, Germany so he can stay with him in Belgium. It happened to be a couple of miles away from where we're landing at so it won't be that much of a problem finding his way around. While Jean spends the remainder of our trip with his new boyfriend Marco.

Shitty-glasses kept talking about how they're an adorable couple. I tried to tune her out with my music. She starts to talk about how I could have a romantic life if I tried hard enough. By the time she was trying to set me up with any stranger that walked by, we were already at the airport.

She and I are staying with a friend of hers named Historia and her girlfriend Ymir, who they met at a convention in Sweden. It took five hours to land but when we did we were embraced in Historia's strong tiny arms. Jean said his goodbyes and walked off to find Marco as the two left for the next flight to Belgium. I turned to looked at Historia, man its been a while since the convention and she grew a little taller, maybe a few inches or centimetres. Her blonde hair had gotten longer and her blue eyes were piercing with excitement.

"It's so good to see you guys again! Oh how I miss the old times we had in Sweden. Let's not just stand here, let's go to my place. I'm actually meeting with a couple of friends of mine later on in the evening. You guys should come! It'll be really fun and nice to catch up." She said with a smile that can brighten anyone's day.

"Yes! I would like to meet your friends after Shorty and I get settled in that is," Shitty-glasses wrapped her arms around my shoulders as I shot her a glare.

I rolled my eyes and remove her hand from my shoulders. I walked to the drop off to gather our bags as I can hear their constant talking in the background. Shitty-glasses followed behind as Historia shows us the way out of the airport.


After many hours through the shitty traffic, we finally made it to Historia's place. It wasn't bad looking besides the floors being dirty and not swept completely. 'Tch... I'll have to clean that later,' I thought as I set my bag down in one of the guest rooms. There was no way I was going to put my bag down until the floor was dust free. Shitty-glasses was down the hall, yelling if I was ready to go. The thing was I literally just got in here.

"Hey! I just stepped foot in my room, just give me a second will you?!" I turned around and started to unpack my bag, glancing over I walked out onto the balcony to see a view of the city. 'Not bad,' I thought as I was tackled from behind by non other than Shitty-glasses. She laughed as I jumped a little by the sudden physical contact, she pouted as I hit her on the head for doing so.

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