Untitled Part 16

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Eren's POV

There were many screams everywhere and I couldn't do anything. I felt useless. People kept on dying and all of the blood was on my hands. Everyone I once knew was there. Mikasa, Armin, Petra, Connie, Sasha, my parents, Hanji, and even Levi.

I miss him, even though I can see him it wasn't the man I come to know. He was more stoic quiet compare to the others. He was more rude and he would beat the others, but he was a hero. Petra would tell me that something happened to his friends but I never found out what. She died before she could tell me. I didn't see how, but I was there to console him. That was the only moment he was so close to me but I couldn't touch him. Throughout all of the terrible times, he was the only one nice to me. Even when everyone hated me, he was the one to tell them to trust me. They all did before they died.

Mikasa would not let me near him and Armin was too scared to go against her. We were a small family, but Levi was my love who had to kill me. I don't even remember how but there was no more problems. The walls were fixed, my father's murder was solved, betrayals happened left and right but at least all of the monsters were killed.

All besides me.

The dark waters crashed against the shore. Everyone had left already for the light was starting to fade from the sky. It was starting to get colder as the salty wind tussled my hair.

"What are you still doing here?"

Turning around I saw that I wasn't alone. Levi walked up to where I was, he towered over me waiting for an answer. His hair had gotten longer, he probably didn't noticed as everyone was dying. He looked younger, like how he probably would of looked like if the Titans never came. He wore his cloak that was stained and torn for that was what brought me back to this reality. Even in this place I called the current reality, our height difference didn't change.

"I don't know," I said as I turn back to the waters. "I just needed to be alone I guess."

"I would of at least told someone about it. Mikasa is looking for you and won't stop bugging everyone, me included."

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize," Levi sat down near me. I didn't mind this time, before he would carry such a cloud of negativity. This time it seemed like he was relaxing for once since everything was solved. The orange sky have turned to a navy blue with white specks covering the sky. "What are those white things in the sky?"

I glanced to him, "those are the stars. Armin told me about them in a book."

"I only seen them once. It was before I joined the Survey Corps."

"Did they look the same." I asked.

"The first time I was awestruck. They showed me that there's life outside from the underground city. It hasn't been the same since then."

"What do you think now, Levi?"

"They're different. I'm finally taking the time to see what I've been missing since then. They're brighter and I'm not alone this time." He turns to look at me.

"Well of course you're not alone. We're all here for each other," I smiled.

"I'm not meaning it like that Yeager. I mean that for the first time I can actually relax. I haven't been able to just stop to breathe."

"For the first time I can't."

"What do you mean Eren?" Levi asked.

"There's been something on my mind that I can't stop thinking about it."

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