Untitled Part 22

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Levi's POV

I couldn't let things in on such a sour note. I knew if I ran after him that he would just push me away again and again if I didn't think of something else to do. I was shocked that he acted the way he did. I knew that he would be stubborn but I didn't think that he would just give up as easily as he did.

With no other choice I got on the flight. Thirteen hours of torture with him in the back of my mind. I never wanted to hurt Eren after all that we over came together. I felt empty, just like the first time he left. This time it was me who was leaving him. I was going back, for I have to. It was more like I wanted to, I need to see him again. I miss him so much but I don't think he'll want to see me. I'm going back with gifts to distract him and then we can at least start from there.

It's been a week since it all happened. Only a week and it feels like half of my life had been wasted. I tried to get a flight back sooner but they were all booked. I even tried to call Eren to tell him that I made a mistake, that was a terrible mistake.

Once I got off of the flight I immediately tried to call Eren. That was when I realized that I didn't even know if he still used his real phone number. It's been that way since we came back from the Czech Republic. I asked Hanji if I could borrow her phone to see if she had any form of contact with him. At first she hesitated before handing it to me. Scrolling down her contacts, I saw she had his work number as well as a couple of his friends as well.

I checked my phone to see what the time was and tried to think of what it was when we left. It was a seven hour time difference from Germany. I tried to calculate the time as it was only seven here, it was twelve over there.

I have a feeling that he must not be at work. If not then I could at least leave him a voice message or something. A part of me wanted to rest but I wouldn't be able to without hearing his voice. Clicking on the small phone icon it started to ring. About three rings later I was going to compose a small message to leave for the voicemail. I haven't even realized that the ringing had stopped and a voice answered instead.


I hesitate, for I lost complete thought of what I wanted to say. I heard concern and question in his soft voice. It was thick from it being sore, was it because of me? I forgot I didn't even say anything yet and was listening like an idiot.

"H-Hello Eren," Shit.


I nodded to myself as if he could see me. I heard someone else on the other line. I wanted to know who it was, if he had already moved on and was possibly with another being in the empty office right now. None of that mattered, my main focus was on Eren.

"How are you?" I asked. I'm probably making this worst.

"Why do you want to know?"

"I care about you, Eren." I listened to the other line as he shuffles with who knows what.


"What are you doing up so late?" I was actually concerned since the time difference was by seven hours.

"Work, obviously."


"Don't. I got to go-" he said in an urgent manner. I was going to hang up on him but for some reason I couldn't stop talking.


Why didn't I just shut the fuck up?

"What?" He whined lightly, it reminded me of how he would whine if there was something he didn't want to do.

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