Chapter One

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Ten years later (1462):

As the morning sun starts to rise over the city, the frost starts to melt, the birds sing there most cheerful tune and the townsfolk seem to rise up with the sun, however some people rise earlier than the sun, which is the case for Anya who is already up, living in the catacombs of the Notra Dame, as she finishes brushing her mid length red hair into a ponytail, she is wearing her usual mustard coloured dress which has seen better days and her black shoes, as she races out of the catacombs and runs through the Chapel, but Just before she can reach the steps that lead to the bell tower she accidentally bumps into someone from behind, both groan as the man turns around to face Anya "oh I am so sorry Archdeacon" Anya says apologetically, as she guilty looks at his old but kind face, dressed in his formal clothes "it is okay my child, I know you didn't do it purposely, but I have warned you many of time not to be running in my Chapel" he calmly explained to her "and I won't again, I promise" Anya said with a smile.

But before she could run upstairs the Archdeacon questioned her "I am surprised at you Anya, your ten mintues later than usual" he said in a bemused tone, the Archdeacon was the only person who knew about Quasimodo's and Anya's friendship, he had watched how the couple had grown over the last ten years, he found it comforting that the poor hunchback had someone close, which is why he never spoke about their friendship, especially to the cruel Judge Claude Frollo, the Archdeacon knew if he ever found out that he would put and abrupt end to their friendship and not only cause harm to  the young man but to her aswell "yes well it didn't help I didn't get to bed till late, I had to hide from some opulent man who wants to ask my hand in marriage" Anya admitted to the Archdeacon "I see, and you have no interest in seeing this man?" the Archdeacon questioned Anya, who in response made a disgusted sound "definitely not! Besides I am happy with my life, I live in a beautiful city and I have one of the best friends ever!" Anya admitted to him, he smiled sweetly in response and said to her "he's lucky to have you" "and I am lucky to have him" Anya stated back, just then the nine o clock bells rung loudly through the Chapel "now if you will excuse me" Anya said bowing her head to the Archdeacon, who nodded back to her, she then ran up the stairs.

The faster she ran up to the bell tower the more she heard the chime of the bells which always sounded heavenly to her, but the chime ended before she got to Quasi's headquarters, she looked around for her friend but did not find him there, she had an idea though were he might be, two months ago Quasi and Anya found a baby chick which was nearly dead due to the cold, luckily though the pair put their heads together, they made the little guy an nest and fed it water and food everyday, so she went out of his quarters and on the balcony where she was Quasi at the ledge, as Anya walked closer she saw the little bird flapping its wing, Quasi held his hands out, he giggled as he saw the bird flying upright, that's when the bird saw me and flew towards me, as instinct Anya opened her hands, palm facing upwards, the bird perched on her hand, she smiled sweetly and said "nice to see you flying around" the little bird chirped cheerfully back to her, she carried the bird to the edge of the ledge were Quasi was, just then a flock of birds flew across their heads and Quasi said "go on, no one wants to be cooped up here forever" stroking the birds head, to which the bird flew out of Anya's hand a flew with the flock of birds which were flying out of the city.

Quasi couldn't help but sniffle seeing the bird fly off, Anya heard his sniffles and stroked his hunchback "Quasi it had to be done, he couldn't stay any longer" she said trying to calm her best friend down "I know but we raised him, I will terribly miss him" Quasi admitted to Anya, feeling defeated, Anya sighed and sadly replied "I will terribly miss him to..." just then she heard some commotion going on down below, she heard the shouting of people as they put up tents, banners and brought wagons and benches into the center of the city "...was going on down there?" "there Preparing the festival" Quasi said defeated "what festival?" Anya questioned again, with all the commotion of last night her mind seemed bleak, Quasi raised his eyebrow in confusion "have you woken up on the wrong side of the bed or is your brain elsewhere?" Quasi questioned her with concern "I am sorry I didn't have much sleep last night, what day is it?" "it's the sixth of January" that's when her mind focused as Anya remembered "oh my lord, is it really 'The Feast Of Fool's' today?" Quasi nodded to her answer, how could Anya forget? Quasi and Anya always watched the festival together, it was an tradition for them, it always out a smile on Quasi's face "oh finally! I've been waiting to watch this since last year, don't you agree?" Anya said in a cheery voice "sure" Quasi said, Anya noticed from the tone of his voice that he was sad.

Just then Quasi walked away from the commotion going on below, Anya sighed as he walked away but nonetheless she followed him, he always seemed to enjoy watching the 'Feast of Fools' so him being down especially today was unusual even for him, but Anya had a inkling as to why he was upset, you see Frollo had put it into Quasi's innocent mind that he is a grotesque, inhumane monster that must never step out into the light of day, because of Frollo's words he has never stepped out into the city centre, which Anya knows that is what he craves the most, to step outside into the city centre without people fearing or loathing him, Anya loathed Frollo for his abuse towards Quasi, if she could she would banish him to an foribbiden island and leave him to rot forever, but Anya knew she alone could not stop him, besides she didn't want to think about him for to long, she needed to find a way to cheer Quasi up again, because seeing him happy always made her feel happy to.

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