Chapter Seventeen

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The skies of Paris shined blood red orange this morning, there was no wind which made Anya tremble with fear as she was on a stage, tied up to a wooden pole, wearing nothing but a worn out white dress, an buffed up executor who were an black mask threw dried out twigs around her, in the distance she could hear the deafening cries of the townsfolk who were screaming about the injustice, the crowed where being held back by over a hundred gusrds, from where she was she saw her gypsy friend caged into overcramped cages, She locked eyes with her best friend Esme who was in the same cage as Phoebus and Dr Facilier, pure horror showed on all of their faces.

Just then Frollo came upon a stage holding a scroll as he shouted loudly for everyone to hear "The Gyspsy Anya has been found guilty of the crime of Witchcraft, the sentence..." there was a pause before he growled "...Death!" The crowd got riled up over the accusations, saying how wrong this was, as more twigs were thrown next to Anya she couldn't help but feel scared, all of this because she was in love with Quasimodo, where was the justice? Just then Frollo took one of the touches from the executor, he walked up closer to her and said in a calm but meancing tone "the time is up Gypsy, you stand upon the brink of the abyss..." he when came inches toward her face, whispering "yet even now it is not too late, I can save you from the hellfires of the world and the next, choose me, or the fire?" He said hoovering the torch over her head, she completely freaked out by his confession, which flamed her own anger as she spat in Frollos face, as he wiped his face she angrily glared "I will never be your's! My heart belongs to my one true love Quasimodo and there is nothing you can do about that!"

That is when Frollo angrily said back "strange how you can be in love with someone you just met?!" Anya couldn't help but laugh at his ridiculous question, which pissed Frollo off more "what is so funny Gyspsy?" Anya stopped laughing and turned towards him with an angry glare "do you seriously think we have just met? Well your wrong, we met ten years ago, after you bloody murdered by parents and chased after me, Quasimodo saved me from the likes of you, we have been close ever since and you never even suspected a thing, even the Archdeacon knew about us, so no I haven't just fallen in love with him, it's been going on for ten years now, and there is nothing you can do about it!" She snapped, angered by what she had said Frollo slapped her hard across the left side of her face, Anya left side stung as he angrily and venomously whispered to her "you will pay for your trickery witch!..." he then turned to a shock crowed who had heard everything saying "The Gyspsy Anya has refused to recant..."

Meanwhile in the Notra Dame the Archdeacon ran to where Quasimodo was, he was between the towers, chains ran around the pillars of the Notra Dame keeping him from being free, The Archdeacon noted how defeated Quasi looked "Come On Quasimodo, snap out of it, your true love is down there" The Archdeacon tried to snap some sense into him "it's all my fault" Quasi muttered "you have to break these chains" The Archdeacon said "I cant, I've tried, what difference will it make?" Quasi said defeated, The Archdeacon before said seriously "No my son don't give up, these chains aren't the ones holding you back!" That is when Quasi snapped "Leave Me Alone!" Quasi turned his face away from The Archdeacon as tears strolled down his face, just before the Archdeacon left he said in an calming manner "Okay Quasimodo I will leave you alone, but know this, you are made of something stronger, even Anya knew that" and he left.

Hearing Anya's name made his heart break, for he had never loved before and would never again, she was his salvation, that is when something clicked in his brain, there was a reason why Anya ran into the cathedral ten years ago, it was fate, God had granted him Anya so he would never walk this earth alone, she had been his closest friend and love to him and he certainly was not going to loose her now! As he tilted his head up he took a step forward to see the massive crowd, the stage with his true love who was trapped and his Master, from here he could hear Frollo say "...for Justice, for Paris and her own salvation it is my sacred duty to send this unholy demon, Back where she belongs!" Just then Quasi saw Frollo light the twigs around around Anya "No!" Quasi screamed his heart beated loudly in his chest as he used his emotions to power his strength as he pulled on the chains, as the power flowed through his body the stone pillars and the chains started to break around him, setting him free, he heaved an breath before grabbing a piece of rope which was next to him, swinging it around one of the gargoyle pillars he swung down until he was leaning on one side of the building.

He then ran with all of his strength before swinging himself from the cathedral, Anya who had been holding her breath for about a mintue, trying not to inhale any of the smoke coming from beneath her, closed her eyes and prayed in that moment she would be saved, as she opened her eyes she smiled with hope as she saw the man she loved swinging around the crowd onto the stage, just as she let go off her breath, she felt the ties which bonded her become loose as Quasi ripped them off her "Quasi" she said his name with relief as he fell into his arms, Quasi grabbed her with his left arm, with the other he had grabbed the pillars which she was previously binded to and used it to hit some guards before grabbing the rope again, swinging him and his love from the stage to the walls of the cathedral, Anya was shocked as he climbed up the Notra Dame with her on his back, she knew he was strong but not this strong as he climbed the both of them to safety both could hear the crowd cheering them on, as they reached the ledge he grabbed hold of Anya's wrist, holding it high in the air shouting "Sanctuary! Sanctuary! Sanctuary!" Without a moment hesitation Anya passionately kissed Quasimodo, as the crowd erupted into cheers for the couple.

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