Chapter Six

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Warning! - This chapter has scenes which some might find disturbing!

As soon as the girls dissappeared from Frollo's view the weather changed, thick dark clouds extended through the skies above, the thunder roared with anger and thick droplets of rain fell upon the people of Paris, Anya watched from her hiding spot, which was in an small ginnel facing towards the front of Notra Dame, she saw how Frollo got on his horse, said something to the captain of the guards before staring manically in Quasi's face, she then watched as he stumbled into the Notra Dame with Frollo following behind, he got off his horse as he entered the building, Anya knew that something bad is going to happen to Quasi but before she could run she felt an hand grab her left wrist "Red my dear friend, what are you doing?" Esmeralda whispered concerned to Anya "look I sense Quasi is in danger and I have to go and help him" I was about to run but she kept her tight grip on me "so this is were you have been for the last ten years, cooped up in the Notra Dame?" She questioned me "what choice did I have?" I questioned back to her, before she could answer my question I loosened out of her grip and ran off.

Many people had gone home due to the weather, all she could see were the soilders who were shivering due to the cold, Anya once again put her hood up so it covered her face as she avoided going anywhere near the guards, luckily she didn't get caught as she entered Notra Dame, as soon as it was clear she hurried through the cathedral, raindrops dripping off her, but she didn't care, she needed to see if Quasi was okay, as she ran up the tower, before she could enter Quasi's chamber she heard him howl in pain, Anya climbed up the structure entering from the rafts and saw Frollos back, he had an whip in his right hand which he used to hit Quasi in the back "please Master" Quasi begged him to stop, Frollo growled "say you repent boy!" before giving him another hit with the whip, Quasi hissed with pain and cried out "I-I-I repent" I had to put my hand over my mouth to stop the sobbing that was coming out as guilt hit me hard.

That's when Frollo wrapped the whip up in his hand, he then lowly growled to Quasi "you will never disobey me again, do you understand boy?" to which Quasi said in a whisper "yes" then Frollo stormed out of his chamber, slamming the chamber door behind, when the ghost was clear, Anya swung down from the rafts and ran over to the poor boy, as she came closer to him she could see that Quasi shirt was torn to pieces, five lash marks on his back which were red raw and bleeding, Anya gasped in horror "oh Quasi, what has he done to you?" she said in a whisper as he turned around to see her, he obviously didn't hear her whisper "Anya, you came back" he said happy to see her "of course I came back, your my best friend" she said through tears, she knew she couldn't leave Quasi like this so she excused herself and ran off, a few mintues later she came back with a clay bowl of warm water, a soap bar, two tatted rags and a clean tunic, Anya soaked one of the rags in a bowl whilst rubbing the soap on it "I'm sorry Quasi but this might sting" she kindly warmed him before dabbing it on his back, he hissed in pain as she dabbed the rag on his wounds cleaning it, her heart broke as she cleaned his wounds, how could someone hurt him? that's when Anya started to sing...

I don't know if you can hear me

Or if you're even there

I don't know if you would listen

To a gypsie's prayer

In your house of peace and beauty

I don't know what to say

Except to ask that peace and beauty

May come to us out there


Someday when we are wiser

When the world's older

When we have learned

I pray someday we may yet live

To live and let live

Someday life will be fairer

Need will be rarer

Greed will not pay

God speed this bright millennium

On its way

Let it come Someday

Someday my fight will be won then

We'll stand in the sun then

That bright afternoon

'Til then

on days when the sun is gone

I'll hang on

Wish upon the moon

Change will come

One day

Someday soon

After she had finished cleaning up his wounds she patted it dry, the bleeding had stopped at this point but it still looked angry, it will take a few days to heal, that's when she passed him the fresh tunic, as he was putting it on he said to her "I didn't know you could sing" she was shocked by his statement "yeah I have been singing my whole life, sorry if it was out of key" she said feeling embarrassed but he said "i-it wasn't out of key, it was B-beautiful like an angel" Anya couldn't stop the blush forming on her cheeks "oh thank you" she said feeling her heart beat for him, if only he knew how she truly felt about him, what if he only sees her as just a friend? Sadness filled her eyes as her thoughts came to plague her, Quasi noticed the change in her and said "hey, I need your opinion on these carvings on the blacksmith and the baker, will you help me?" to which Anya smiled friendly and said "yeah sure I will."

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