Chapter Ten

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Several hours has passed since Anya saw Quasi and she is lying in bed, cuddled up like a cocoon in her covers, she had not slept a wink as her mind was all over the place, Anya could feel her broken heart throbbing in pain, her eyes were red and swollen, her cheeks damp from the tears that had fallen down her face, her body felt tired and weak, she did not know what to do anymore, it was pointless telling Quasi her feelings now, since he had made it quite clear who he really cared about, she also thought it was pointless to stick around, especially for a love that will never be, so with an heavy heart she climbed out of bed, she grabbed an potato sack which she uses as an bag , stuffed all of her clothes, foods and drinks in, she then pulls out a drawer, which had paper, ink and a quill pen, she then decided to write a letter to the Archdeacon and one to Quasi, she held back sobs and tears as she wrote, she then decided to put both of letters into the Archdeacons chambers, she knew that the Archdeacon would deliver Quasi's letter to him, after she had slipped the letters inside she decided to run away.

She had no idea where she was going but anywhere had to better than with Quasi, not that she wanted to purposely hurt him but she just couldn't bear to see him happy in the arms of another woman, it is not like he would miss her when he had Esme, as she quietly opened the cathedral doors which lead to the town centre she saw no guards surrounding the cathedral, which she sighed with relief, the rain had started to come down from the heavens as she ran into the cold, bitter night, without any navigation as to where she was going she couldn't help but feel utterly alone, she did not know a single soul to turn to, so with an heavy heart she started to sing:

On my own

Pretending he's beside me

All alone

I walk with him till morning

Without him

I feel his arms around me

And when I lose my way I close my eyes

And he has found me

In the rain the pavement shines like silver

All the lights are misty in the river

In the darkness, the trees are full of starlight

And all I see is him and me forever and forever

And I know it's only in my mind

That I'm talking to myself and not to him

And although I know that he is blind

Still I say, there's a way for us

I love him

But when the night is over

He is gone

The river's just a river

Without him

The world around me changes

The trees are bare and everywhere

The streets are full of strangers

I love him

But every day I'm learning

All my life

I've only been pretending

Without me

His world will go on turning

A world that's full of happiness

That I have never known

I love him

I love him

I love him

But only on my own

As Anya finished singing she couldn't stop the tears once again flowing again, she hated this feeling on sadness, she wished it would just all go away, just then she heard a bark howling, that caught the young women's attention as she ran and found a small dog the size of an chihuahua in an alley with an rope tied around its neck, and three drunken men taunting and hurting the poor animal, Anya couldn't control her temper as she grabbed an rag from her bag, put a rock in, she charged after the leader and smashed it over the man's head, he fainted within a second, the other two ran away as Anya growled threatening to attack them, she couldn't help but giggle as they ran away like frightened children, she then turned her attention to the dog "oh you poor thing" Anya said as she carefully and calmly walked up to the dog, at first the dog howled scared at it was going to get attacked again, but Anya grabbed her bag, took out a few slices of beef and held it in her hand, at first the dog was wary but after a few minutes he came towards her, eating the beef of her hand and licking her hand, she smiled as she did, she was about to take the rope from around its neck when she realised she couldn't slip the rope from around its neck.

"Great now what I'm I going to do?" Anya said with concern as she wanted to free her new found friend, just then someone's booming voice broke the silence, frightening her "maybe I can assist you" she saw the lanky figure of Coplin, she couldn't help but smile as she saw her friend again "I would love that" Anya said in relief, very glad that it was not a guard, Coplin walked up to the poor pup taking his pairing knife and cutting the rope around the neck so he was free, as soon as the dog was free he immediately jumped into Anya's arms and licked her face, she couldn't help but giggle at the dog "I see you've made a new friend" Coplin said smiling at Anya, as she stood up holding the dog in her arms "it would appear I have, thank you for freeing him...but I must ask for an favour" she said the last part in an saddened tone "and what would that be?" he questioned her "well...I wondered if you had a room spare? you see I had to leave where I previously lived and I have no where else to go" that's when Coplin said with a hint of an smile "Red my dear, you are always welcome to live with me and my family, I know that Esme and my father will be happy to have you" that's when Anya said "oh thank you" "no need to thank me, just follow my lead" he said in a cheery tone as Anya followed him to the court of Miracles.

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